Dead Space Remake: All Armor Upgrades and Locations


Armor upgrades in the all-new Dead Space remake allow your protagonist, Isaac Clarke, to deal more punishment against deadly Necromorph lifeforms. The main component of your armor or suit is called the RIG, which stands for Resource Integration Gear, And to make it better, you can find various schematics in the main campaign or buy some of them directly from the shop to upgrade Isaac’s armor.

Purchasing nodes on each armor will increase them further but upgrading from each armor level will provide massive new benefits such as increased inventory slots as well as better damage mitigation.

Key highlights

  • Upgrading Isaac’s armor in Dead Space Remake is fairly easy but the process of getting the aforementioned upgrades can be quite difficult, especially for new players.
  • Isaac’s suit, called “RIG,” A gradual upgrade will be required to achieve this. Additional inventory slots as well as Better coach Abilities
  • Players will need to hunt. planning at different points after their first upgrade so they can unlock each upgrade for in-store purchases.
  • Each armor level will also change the appearance of Isaac’s suit, strengthening almost every part of the body. Hard plating units.
  • There is Six total coach upgrades for Isaac’s RIG, but most importantly, the sixth and final armor upgrade can be unlocked in just one. New gameplay gameplay.
  • If players don’t upgrade their armor, it will likely be difficult for them to survive the threat of Necromorph infection in USG Ishimura.

Default armor

Dead Space Default Coach
Default Armor (image taken by us)
  • Inventory Slots: 12
  • Armor Defense: No one.

The first RIG armor will be available to you right from the start of the game as it is your default armor and in terms of design it supports a common design with most rigs being built on the USG Shamora.

It’s worth noting that the armor retains its look from the original Dead Space, the main difference being that the details are much higher. better, also the armor on Isaac’s chest seems much larger in size than in the original game. It won’t be long before you can start upgrading or customizing its features on a deeper spectrum.

Suit level 2

Dead Space Remake Armor Level 2
Level 2 Armor (photo taken by us)
  • Inventory Slots: 18
  • Armor Defense: 5%
  • How to unlock: Purchased from a store.
  • Upgrade Cost: 10,000 credits

Not too late into the game, you’ll soon be able to get your first armor upgrade, which will give you a bit of defense against damage along with extra inventory slots. Moreover, you will be able to buy it soon. Game start times On your first store visit.

It will cost you 10,000 credits, so if you don’t have it. We recommend saving up to get your first armor upgrade as early as possible in the game because later on, you’ll likely need to collect busts and schematics to unlock the next upgrade tier. . Finally, by design, Isaac’s RIG will get one. Torso plateWith which he is now completely safe, at least on the next upper parts of his body.

Intermediate Engineer RIG

Dead Space Remake Armor Upgrade
Armor Level 3 (Photo by eXputer)
  • Inventory Slots: 22
  • Armor Defense: 10%
  • How to unlock: Eva is found in the prep room during Chapter 4
  • Upgrade Cost: 20,000 credits
Dead space remake armor locations
How to Find Level 3 Armor (Photo by eXputer)

Planning for Level 3 coach The upgrade can be found in the third chapter, and you’ll know you’re in the right place to collect it because Eva prep room The exterior access can be found in the corridor to the right of the hallway. As shown in the image above, all you need to do is collect the schematics, which will be lying on the bench in the living room and then head back to the store to open them for purchase.

There aren’t any significant changes in terms of the design of your form, and the extra four inventory slots may not make a significant difference, but with the increase in armor defense, it’s still a valuable upgrade that every player should have. Should be picked up. If they are playing the game for the first time.

Intermediate Minor RIG

Dead Space Remake Armor Level 4
Armor Level 4 (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)
  • Inventory Slots: 26
  • Armor Defense: 15%
  • How to unlock: Found in the Equipment Workshop during Chapter 7
  • Upgrade Cost: 35,000 credits
Dead Space Remake Armor Level 4
How to Find Armor Level 4 Schematics (Screenshot Grab: Exporter)

Minor RIG is one of the best Dead Space Remake armor upgrades in the midgame. Planning for Level 4 coach The upgrade will be in the equipment workshop on the 2nd mining floor section. As shown in the picture above, just head through the door and into the corridor, and the schematics will be here with the generator.

This will happen right after the moment you save Nicole from the Necromorph attack and defend her. Additionally, with the following armor upgrade, you’ll also notice a visual difference in that the armor plating is now supported on both of Isaac’s shoulders.

Advanced Engineering RIG

Dead Space Remake Armor 5
Armor Level 5 (Photo by eXputer)
  • Inventory Slots: 30
  • Armor Defense: 20%
  • How to unlock: The locker room is located in the showers area on the crew quarters section.
  • Upgrade Cost: 60,000 credits

The Advanced Engineering RIG is the level 5 armor suit you can get and one of the last for the playthrough (unless you jump into New Game+ for the finale). Armor plating is now supported on both of Isaac’s upper thighs, as well as his armor. Metallic bronze Visually figuring this out can be a little confusing, but as long as you follow the steps outlined below it should be fairly straightforward.

Dead Space Remake Armor Level 5
How to Find Schematics for Armor Level 5 (Image Credit: eXputer)
  • I Chapter 10you will be directed to find the staff deck key.
  • Through the door to the crew deck, you’ll soon reach the common area, a large but intimidating room.
  • Go to the top right, as shown in our photos above, which will lead you to the Zero-G Gym Corridor.
  • From here, keep going right instead of going straight, and you’ll find out. Locker room and shower room.
  • Enter the room, and the armor tips will be lying on a bench here.

Advanced Soldier RIG

How To Unlock Dead Space Remake Level 6 Suit
Level 6 Suite (Image credit: eXputer)
  • Inventory Slots: 30
  • Armor Defense: 30%
  • How to unlock: Can be purchased from the store during New Game+.
  • Upgrade Cost: 99,000 credits

Finally, the last armor upgrade you can get is the level 6 suit, called the Advanced Soldier RIG, and while it may not offer new inventory slots compared to the previous version, this armor sure does. Takes the form of being a deadly extraterrestrial rebel assassin. Life forms

Thankfully, all you need to do to unlock it is launch. New game + playthrough A remake of Dead Space, and then you can buy it at the in-game store. The only downside is that you may need to borrow a large amount of credit before you can buy and craft it for Isaac.

wrap up

If you’re looking for the best stat upgrades in Dead Space Remake, consider checking out the most recent one. Subreddit post Where several users have shared their opinion on which stats you should prefer to upgrade already. Likewise, you can also check out our guide on the best upgrades in Dead Space Remake, which will give you an idea of ​​which upgrades are essential to upgrade.

However, in our recommendation, it’s better to grab health, especially if you’re not familiar with the survival horror genre, but investing your nodes in it doesn’t hurt either. Kinesis Hold Range As well as yours Static energy.

Likewise, if you’re trying to farm credits or any kind of resources, make sure to complete all the side missions in the game. The last thing you want to avoid is trying to max out all the upgrades for the Plasma Cutter, which is possibly one of the best weapons in Dead Space Remake.

For now, we appreciate you taking the time to read the article. If you have any questions or queries related to armor upgrades in the game, be sure to let us know in the comments section below, and we’ll be more than happy to point you in the right direction. As always, eXputer wishes you luck!


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