Dead Island 2: Military Supply Key Location


Dead Island 2’s military supplies are located in the Halperin Hotel area of ​​the game and you need to complete a few missions before you can get the supplies. However, it’s worth getting the key because you’ll get one of the best Dead Island 2 weapons by unlocking the supplies.

Key takeaways

  • The Military Supply Case is located on Lacona Avenue. Halperin Hotel Dead Island Area 2.
  • The Halperin Hotel is first accessed during the Call of the Cavalry mission.
  • Players cannot obtain the supply key until they defeat him. The main struggle in the area.
  • After defeating the main quest, a crusher is known as a zombie Drill Sergeant will span Lacona Avenue.
  • He is a tough enemy to defeat so players will have to rely on their best weapons.
  • After killing the sergeant, players will get the key to the military equipment in Dead Island 2.
  • Unlocking military equipment will give players more power. Military Knife Safety.

Important: Be sure to do the main quest in the Halperin Hotel area before you start looking for military supplies in Dead Island 2.

Location of military supply key

Dead Island 2 Military Equipment Key
Location of military equipment (photo taken by us)

The military equipment is actually located behind a truck at the end of Lacona Avenue in the Halperin Hotel area of ​​the game.

Dead Island 2 Military Equipment Key
The Locked Supplies (Photo courtesy of Exporter)

When we first get to this point, we won’t be able to unblock stuff. Furthermore, we cannot open the case until we have completed the original search of the Halperin Hotel area.

  • Make sure you’re done. The main find of the Halperin Hotel Before you start looking for the key that unlocks the military supply.
Dead Island 2 Military Equipment Key
Drill Sergeant in Dead Island 2 (screenshot taken by eXputer)

After we’re done with the main quest in the area, a crusher is known as a zombie Drill Sergeant Lacona Avenue will extend to Rd.

  • In Dead Island 2 we need to defeat the drill sergeant to get the military supply key.
  • He is a crusher zombie which means he is slow but if he catches you he can finish you off in one hit.
  • Stay on the range and use your weapons to fight this creature in the game.
  • Once killed, the sergeant drops a lot of good loot in addition to the key needed to open the military equipment.

Reward for opening a military supply case

You will get a new and better one. Military Knife Safety Open the military supply case using the key you receive from killing the drill sergeant. So, fighting the drill sergeant to get a powerful new knife in Dead Island 2 is definitely worth it.


Dead Island 2 is back with the second main game in the franchise and it returns with the best characters with different character customization. Each character also has different attributes and skills. Dead Island 2 is still a very fun experience in co-op where you are oppressing zombies with your friends. It’s also really impressive graphically and is surprisingly available on both old and next-gen consoles.

This concludes our guide to Dead Island 2’s military supply key location. We have not only listed the location of the key but also told the enemy that you will have to fight to get the key in Dead Island 2. Everything you need to do before finding the key is also mentioned. We hope the guide was helpful in obtaining these military supplies. Let us know what you think of Dead Island 2 in the comments below!


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