Dead Island 2 Easter Eggs [Top 12]


Dead Island 2 is full of many secrets and references. Dead Island 1 also had many secrets and references hidden in its world. So is the sequel in that sense. From characters to references to popular cartoons, these are Dead Island 2 easter eggs.

Key takeaways

  • Dead Island 2 has many hidden gems. Easter eggs, Which you can find by searching for areas.
  • There are many references to a place called GoatPen that contain streamer references, including one Streamer Apologies.
  • There is also a goat pen. YouTube play button References as well as references to gaming setups.
  • Gamedevs have also included references to their previous games such as Time Splitters And Homefront: Revolution.
  • You can also search for “ShiningAlso referenced in Dead Island 2.
  • The Oscars have been renamed. Romeros Regarding the horror film director George A. Romero.
  • A lounge in a safe area of ​​Dead Island 2 was named after the famous Italian horror film director. Dario Argento.
  • You may find the names of some of the voice actors engraved. Walk of Fame.
  • In addition to movie references, you can find a Simpson reference Also on a police car.
  • Sam B Dead Island 2 from the original game is included, and many characters talk about his song as well.Who do you voodoo?

Streamer Forgiveness Easter Eggs

Streamer apology found in goat pen | Image source: Eurogamer

In Dead Island 2, you can find a large house called “Goat Pen”. It was actually a streamer house with social media influencers who lived here. You may find a few references in this area. One of the most prominent easter eggs is the Streamer Apology that you can find in one of the rooms. This is written very clearly on the whiteboard and is a very accurate reflection of most streamers’ apologies.

YouTube Play Button Easter Egg

YouTube Easter Eggs
SQUAMER AWARDS IN GOAT PEN | Image source: Eurogamer

Just like the streamer apology, there are actually YouTube awards that you can find in-house. They are called “Squirm Award”. They have written on them “To reach 10 million squamers” and “To reach 1 million squamers”. This is an obvious reference to the YouTube play button.

NICKMERCS Gaming Setup

Gaming setup
NICKMERCS Gaming Setup in Goat Pen | Image source: Eurogamer

In addition to the previous Easter egg, a gaming setup can be found in one room of the goat pen. However, the setup is somewhat special. This is because this setup has a logo very similar to a streamer’s brand. The Spartan helmet seen as desktop wallpaper resembles the NICKMERCS logo.

“Time Splitters” and “Homefront” Easter Eggs

The arcade
Time Splitters and Home Front Arcade Machines | Image source: Eurogamer

If you’re a fan of Deep Silver Studios, there are a few Dead Island 2 Easter Eggs you should look out for. In addition to all the streamer Easter eggs, there is another Easter egg hidden in the goat pen. One of the rooms is actually an arcade room. There are many arcade machines in the room. There are some machines that are more noticeable than others.

One of the machines is called “Homefront: Revolution”. It is one of the titles published by Deep Silver Studios. Additionally, you can find another arcade machine called Time Splitters. If you’ve played Homefront, you already know that Time Splitters was referenced there as well. But in Homefront, it was actually playable, unlike Dead Island 2.

“Shiny” Easter Egg

Glowing Easter Egg
Glowing Easter Eggs in Dead Island 2

Since Dead Island 2 is a horror game, it goes without saying that the developers will hide some horror references in places. “Shining” is one of the most loved horror films. And so, the developers hide a reference in an area of ​​Dead Island 2. You can find a wall with “Red Rim” written on it. This is a reference to the scene where Danny Torrance writes “Red Rim” on the back of the door.

“Romeros” and “Oscar”

Romeros Show in Dead Island 2 | Image source: Eurogamer

George A. Romero is one of the most influential horror film directors of all time. He is so popular that many call him the “Father of the Zombie Movie”. Many movies and games are inspired by them. The devs of Dead Island 2 decided to honor him in their game and ended up with an awards ceremony for the movies called “The Romeros”. Additionally, this is a very clear reference to the Oscars.

“Argento’s Sky Lounge”

Argento’s Skylongo | Image source: Eurogamer

George A. Romero isn’t the only horror film director who Dead Island 2. Apart from Romero, another very popular director is Easter Egg. Dario Argento was an Italian film director who primarily made horror films. He is also considered a very influential figure in the history of horror movies. A long space in one of the safe houses is named “Argento’s Sky Lounge”.

Voice Actor Easter Eggs

Voice Actor Easter Eggs
Dead Island 2 Voice Actors on Walk of Fame | Image source: Eurogamer

In addition to the directors, there are easter eggs for the voice actors. The Easter egg is actually a reference to both voice actors from Dead Island 2 as well as the Hollywood Walk of Fame. You can see the names of the voice actors written on the floor with gold stars on the tiles.

The Simpsons Easter Eggs

Police car
“Protection and Segregation” | Image source: Eurogamer

The Simpsons is known for referencing many famous future events in its episodes. But this time, the devs decided to give some references themselves. You can see some writing on the doors of the police cars in Dead Island 2.

“Protection and Separation.” Here it is written “sever” instead of “serve”. It could just be a simple pun or a reference to an episode of The Simpsons in which the kids are being led into a police car with a line behind the front seats.

Talking Zombie Easter Egg

Zombies are talking
A talking zombie you can find in Dead Island 2.

In a mansion in Dead Island 2, you may find a voice calling out to you. It can be heard from behind the door. Also you can reply by voice. If you go to the other side, you’ll find out that it was actually a zombie you were talking to. However, just because it was talking doesn’t mean it’s good. So when you see him, kill him on the spot.

“Who do you voodoo?” Easter eggs

A vinyl record of Aap Kon Voodoo Image source: Eurogamer

If you’ve played Dead Island 1, you already know “who do you voodoo?”. This was a song performed by Sam B in Dead Island 2. Well, since Sam B is a recurring character, it’s obvious that the divas will add their own song to it. Many characters may mention the song in different places. You can also view this album during one of the cutscenes.

Sam B and the Dead Island 1 character

Sam B
Sam B revealed.

As mentioned earlier, Sam B is a character that was in the first game, and he also makes an appearance in the sequel. That too is actually a part of the story. In a cutscene, he actually talks about the characters from Dead Island 1. In this dialogue, he talks about some of his adventures with each of the main characters in Dead Island 1.

There are many easter eggs hidden in the map of Dead Island 2. The game refers to horror movies, directors, and other games. You may also find an Oscar reference.


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