Custom hi-fi rush xbox controllers designed by a talented vendor


Highlights of the story

  • PopeArt, a talented vendor for custom console controllers, has apparently envisioned a hi-fi rush in new fan art.
  • The designer created three separate Xbox controllers, all of which retained the game’s focus in different shades.
  • Unfortunately, the controllers are not on sale at the time of writing, but fans have petitioned the designer to make them into a product.
  • PopeArt is a popular Microsoft vendor that has partnered with companies like Square Enix, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Game Stop, 2K, and more to design custom Xbox controllers.

The release of Hi-Fi Rush has already affected the gaming industry in a big way. Gamers and creators alike are enjoying the experience. For example, one talented console controller vendor has apparently designed new custom Xbox controllers with Hi-Fi Rush designs. Fan art of the controller was shared on Twitter.

Pop Art on Twitter has created some custom Xbox controllers that perfectly visualize the Hi-Fi universe within. The designer has created fan art of the Xbox controller in multiple color schemes, and each iteration maintains Hi-Fi Rush’s core art style.

The first fanart features a black and white Xbox logo, and the colors are a mix of green, gray, yellow, and red. The front of the Xbox controller integrates colors well in a retro-futuristic style, which looks straight out of the Hi-Fi Rush universe. The gray finish on the back also goes well with the eye-catching white Hi-Fi Rush logo.

PopeArt turns the Xbox logo green and white with another custom Xbox controller. It has a very prominent shade of red, which looks as sharp as the hi-fi rush art style we know and love.

The green looks bright and compliments the red perfectly, and the other side of the controller is painted a calm sky blue that easily pops other colors. Moreover, unlike the previous variant, the contrast remains the same.

The third and final Hi-Fi Rush-inspired custom Xbox controller features a wide differential with a gray and white Xbox logo. Orange, red and black are the most prevalent colors on the device and look sharp and sharp. Rhythm With the costume of the main character. The back of the controller has a sleek black finish with the same white logo.

The colors of all of the featured custom Xbox controllers are quite warm to the eye and appear to go for a matte finish. Even so, they still manage to add the vibrancy of Hi-Fi Rush while opting for lighter colors unlike the actual game. Unfortunately, there are no custom designs featuring the iconic cat yet.

PopeArt is a prominent Microsoft vendor that has worked with many companies in the gaming industry to produce custom controllers for fans. For example, they have partnered with Square Enix, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Game Stop, 2K, and many others.

The designer’s fan arts range from many adorable games, and fans seem to head over heels for all the custom pieces created by Pop Art. The master creator also designed custom Xbox controllers for Hogwarts Legacy, which were well received by the gaming industry.

Players responded positively to custom Hi-Fi Rush-inspired controllers, asking the vendor if they were for sale. Unfortunately, the controllers are just fan art for now. Regardless, they may serve as a product in the future in keeping with Pop Arts. Other listings Enchanting custom Xbox and PlayStation controllers.

Hi-Fi Rush is Xbox’s new effort whose sudden arrival has taken the gaming industry by storm, and its effects are still being felt a week after it was cast from its shadows. It tried to overshadow major AAA releases like Forspoken by a mile.

What are your thoughts on the popular vendor designing new custom Xbox controllers featuring Hi-Fi Rush art? Do you think Microsoft should collaborate with PopeArt to make official custom Xbox controllers? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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