CS: GO 2’s Panorama UI is a next-level addition to the game.


Highlights of the story

  • In Panorama UI CS: Go 2 allows you to play videos in-game, opening the door to many possibilities.
  • You can also embed websites like Twitch and potentially host watch parties within the game.
  • Some may recall that this is possible with Source 1 Gary’s mod, but it is not a feature in any CS titles.

The Source 2 rendition of CS:GO 2 is bringing big changes to the first-person shooter. Among the many new features, Panorama UI is sure to excite fans as it opens up a lot of possibilities. CS2 mappers can now play in-game videos and even embed sites to host real watch parties. Considering how some people may use it, we may add more restrictions to this feature.

Thanks to CS:GO mapper/modder Angel_Foxo, which got the feature via source engine Discord, we can at least confirm Twitch streams as one of the things you can add to the game. Also, if you want to host a watch party with your fans, you will likely be restricted by the DMCA or other policies implemented on various social media platforms. If you just want to keep it with your friends, this still might not be a big problem.

For the uninitiated, Panorama was added to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in 2018 to improve FPS and give the menu a revised look. It brought several other features that have since become a norm in the community, including leaderboards, player skins, and weapons.

It’s only been a while since the beta release, so there may be more to it than we think. Likewise, we can expect changes to this feature as it moves towards the final product. Nevertheless, the idea itself is great and could open the gateway to other much-needed features. CS:GO 2 is shaping up to be more and more exciting, as we had hoped.

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