Brazil’s president says video games only teach how to kill.
Highlights of the story
- Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva shares his views on video games. Calling them “crap”, he said the games only teach killing.
- An objective view on the matter would incorporate less bias and more holistic information about the video game spectrum. Examples of lighthearted play with engaging narratives abound.
- While violence is common in video games, it rarely compromises the story. Ultimately, it comes down to how parents raise their children and not the content itself.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva recently participated in an event. Press conference. While the actual conference is over 2 hours long, part of what has come up is calling video games. ” Cheap “ Because they only teach children to kill. An additional comment was then made where Lola said, “There is no game, there is no game about love. There is no game about education.
The original statement is,
É só pegar o jogo da molecada, o meu filho, o filho de cada um de vocês. O meu neto, o neto de cada um de vocês (…) Eu duvido que tenha um moleque de 8, 9, 10, 12 anos, que não esteja habituado a passar grande parte do tempo joggingando essas porcarias. Quando meu filho tem 4 anos e ele chora, o que eu faço para ele? Dou logo um tablet para ele brincar. Ensino logo um joguinho. Não tem jogo, não tem game falando de amor. Não tem game falando de educação. É game ensinando a molecada a matar. Every time there are more deaths than in the Second World War.”
Although violence in video games is out of the ordinary, it is objectively wrong to say that they do not teach about love and education. Many developers have spent years creating games based on these themes. Many include violence for narrative sake, while games like Call of Duty are more on the other side of the spectrum. However, themes like love or education, whether practical or just general, are always present in video games.
The translation of the above statement is:
Just take child’s play, my son, the son of each one of you. My grandson, the grandson of each one of you (…) I doubt there is a child of 8, 9, 10, 12 years old, who is not used to spending a lot of time playing this rubbish. What should I do for my son when he turns 4 and he cries? I immediately give it a shot to play. I teach a little game soon. There is no game, there is no game about love. Education is not a game. This is a game that teaches children to kill. It is killing more than World War II.
Some prominent examples would include video games like It Takes Two that focus on a married couple working to repair their relationship. The game received many accolades and recognition for its achievements. We also have titles like To the Moon among many others that focus on gripping narratives that move the player and make them think long and hard about the characters and the story.

Likewise, that of a naughty dog unordered And The last of us The series also focuses on such elements. However, they go a step further and add violence to their gameplay mechanics, allowing the player to progress from one point to another. While violence is present, it rarely compromises the narrative. This is generally true for most video games.
Such examples abound, especially when we look at educational games or titles with educational elements. Many video games often encourage players to think and solve puzzles, e.g Match-3 Provide gender or simulation experience, eg Cities Skylines. Violence is certainly common in video games. However, other elements also have a prominent presence.
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