Bing Chat improves recipes and answers to travel questions in this week’s update.


Bing Logo in front of Bing Chat

It’s been another quiet week on the BingChat front, in terms of adding new features and major improvements. However, the team is still busy with some background changes.

Bing Chat Recipes.

In this week Bing Chat Blog Update. It turns out that the team has made some improvements to answering questions about travel and recipes:

For both, we’ve improved the accuracy of references. For recipes, we used better grounding data from recipe content providers and made sure that the citations sent you to the recipe site instead of Expect further improvements from us based on your feedback.

The blog post added that the team is continuing efforts to reduce the number of conversations in Bing Chat that will end with the AI ​​stating something like “I’m sorry but I can’t continue this conversation.” I don’t prefer to keep.” The team has reportedly made some background changes “to mitigate some of the more extreme scenarios” when this has happened.

Finally, the blog post mentions that a bug has been fixed when using the Bing Chat sidebar in the Edge web browser. The bug caused BingChat to “not recognize content in the active browser tab” but has now been fixed.

With a new month starting in just a few days, we hope the Bing Chat team will be able to make more and bigger improvements in the coming weeks.


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