Alden Ringtree Spear [Location & Stats]


The Alden Ring Tree spear A powerful spear weapon that throws out. Holy It is exceptionally useful against damage. Those who live in death. Enemies. A tree spear can be obtained from a Vegan in Liurnia and we highly recommend you find it.

Key takeaways

  • The Tree Spear is a powerful Faith Scaling weapon found in Livornia.
    1. Players can get this weapon inside the vehicle at the end of one. broke down Bridge, located near Livornia Highway South The site of grace.
    2. To visit this Grace site, players can simply head over to Forward From the artist’s hut.
    3. Once you get to the vehicle, be sure to hit it giant weapon protection.
  • Players will be needed. 15 I power, 22 I skills, And 18 I faith Be able to use this weapon.
  • Also, it has one D. Scaling In strength, skill, and faith.
  • The best build for this weapon would be a. Quality Build with minimal 30 In faith

The location of the tree spear

  • We can find out Tree spear Inside a car at the end of a broken highway Livornia.
  • It is located a little further. Livornia Highway South The site of grace.
  • To reach this site of grace, begin with Painter’s Hut And proceed by sticking to the left side of the area.
  • Alden Ring Artist's Cutie
    Artist’s Shake Site of Grace | Photo by eXputer
  • After moving forward a bit, if we see some enemies fighting each other, then we are on the right track.
  • Now, if we keep moving forward, eventually we will arrive. Livornia Highway South The site of grace.
Site of Grace-Livernia Highway South
Location of the vehicle Photo by eXputer
  • After that, players will see. giant A little closer to the car.
Alden Ringtree Spear
Giant Guarding the Carriage | Image credit: Exporter
  • Kill the giant in the picture we provided above and then open the vehicle to get yours. Tree spear.

Tree Spear Stats

ER Treespear
The Treespear | Grab a screenshot: eXputer
  • Alden Ringtree Spear’s scales are essentially closed. strength, skill, And faith
  • This means building a standard with one atleast Of 30 It will be helpful to use this weapon in faith.
  • We recommend you check out our excellent Faith Build guide to learn more about a powerful build that can utilize Tree Spear.

Below are the tree spear statistics in the table below:

attack Defense
Physical Attack: 160 Physical Defense: 55.0
Magic Attack: 0 Magic Defense: 35.0
Fire Attack: 0 Fire Defense: 35.0
Lightning Attack: 0 Lightning Defense: 35.0
Holy Attack: 110 Holy Defence: 48.0
Critical Attack: 100 Guard Boost: 45
statistics needs Scaling
power 15 D
skill 22 D
intelligence 0
faith 18 D
Arcane 0

Concluding Remarks

Alden expands on the Color Souls formula with the addition of an engaging open world and a narrative written by him. George RR Martin. Alden also improves gameplay with the addition of a ring jump button, better power stances, and some of the best bosses in Solsborn’s history. With constant updates and Shadow of Erdtree expansion, players can be assured of a lasting experience.

There you have it; With our guide on how to get Alden Ring Tree Spear, you will be able to get this powerful holy spear and finish all your enemies.

Take a look at our guide on how to get Flame Cleanse Me in Alden Ring. If you want to know how the tree spear stacks up against other weapons, take a look at our best weapons guide. Likewise, here are the best weapons of faith in Alden Ring.


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