A remake of Dead Space 2 was hinted at by the text log dialog in Dead Space.


Highlights of the story

  • Dead Space Remake New Game Plus has shown some log texts that point to a Dead Space 2 remake.
  • The log texts are part of NewGame+, and we’ll label them as spoilers accordingly.
  • New Game+ features a secret ending to the game and has already been experienced by some players.

A newly found easter egg in the latest Dead Space remake has hinted at the revival of another Dead Space game. Thanks to Game Spotwe now know that the new Game Plus mode in the game adds new text logs, one of them detailing the setting of the original Dead Space 2.

Note: The information below contains spoilers about Game Plus Mode.

Players unlock certain log texts to enter a new game plus mode. These log texts appear as a conversation between two characters, which is similar to one. Email exchange. The characters talk about a possible “disconnection” next year, and because of that, they are looking for new employment opportunities.

With the speed of the conversation, he says he might be working in Sprawl. Now Dead Space fans won’t be unaware of what Sprawl is all about. Sproul or Titan Station is a location in Dead Space 2.

Three years after the destruction of USG Ashmura, Issac Clarke arrives at the Sprawl, a space station built among the few remnants of Titan, one of Saturn’s moons. This is one of the events of Dead Space 2.

While this may not mean absolutely anything, it’s definitely worth noting whether or not a Dead Space 2 remake could be in the cards. As of now, currently ongoing A remake of Dead Space There is a fever everywhere.

The game’s initial Metacritic score reached an impressive 90 hours before release as the review embargo was lifted, and it’s still doing very well. With all the hype, many fans have already completed the campaign and are now moving on to the new Game Plus.

gave New Game Plus Dead Space is the latest addition to the games. You take all your previously earned credits with you in this new mode as you play along with all the guns, suits and upgrades you’ve earned while completing the title.

It unlocks 50,000 credits, 10 power nodes, new text logs, and the Advanced Soldier RIG before you start Game Plus.

Many avid fans who have already completed the entire game and are now on Game Plus have seen something interesting and shared it online.

The “secret ending” of the Dead Space remake has been the most talked about aspect lately. However, you can reach this secret ending only after playing Game Plus. Additionally, Game Plus lets you unlock more guns while the previously earned money is still in your pocket. Stasis and Kinesis, however, need to be re-earned in Game Plus.

If you don’t plan to play Game Plus mode, then The alternate ending of the Dead Space remake is now open.. The alternate ending is explained in a roughly 7-minute video uploaded by Stever and serves as a walkthrough through the terrifying experience.

Furthermore, if you are unaware, A “1GB” day one patch of the Dead Space remake is optional to download.. The file size is only 1 GB, and you can play the game without downloading it.

While we stick to our commitment to update you with all the latest industry news on our website and Dead Space Remake has been our focus point, check out eXputer’s YouTube channel, The Unexpected in Dead Space Remake. Look at the fear.

Have you played the Dead Space remake? Do you plan to go to Game+? Let us know in the comments below.

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