The “lock” icon in Chrome is about to change but for a good reason.


The kiss lock icon

When you use Google’s Chrome web browser, you’re probably also familiar with the “lock” icon that appears next to a website’s URL. Many people think the icon means a site is safe to check out on Chrome. Actually, it’s not, and that’s why Google is going to change this icon soon.

In a post on its Chromium blog, Google said:

The lock icon is meant to indicate that the network connection is a secure channel between the browser and the site and that the network connection cannot be tampered with or tampered with by third parties, but it is a remnant of such an era. is where HTTPS was unusual.

A site that uses HTTPS is now the norm on the Internet. However, the lock icon no longer means that a site is safe to browse on Chrome. Google described:

This misconception is not harmless—almost all phishing sites use HTTPS, and therefore display the lock icon as well. Misconceptions are so widespread that many organizations, including the FBI, publish clear guidance that a lock icon is not an indication of website security.

Chrome Tune icon

Therefore, this lock icon will soon be replaced by a version of the tune icon for the site address. Clicking on it will take users to Settings and Controls in the browser. Google thinks this is a more neutral icon that doesn’t indicate any “trustworthiness” for the site. He added:

Our research also revealed that many users never realized that clicking the lock icon reveals important information and controls. We think the new icon helps make permission controls and additional security information more accessible, while avoiding the misconceptions that plague the lock icon.

The new Tune icon is now available in the Chrome Canary channel and will be officially launched as part of Chrome 117 for desktops in early September 2023. It will also be changed for the Android version of Chrome and completely removed from the iOS version.


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