Shindo Life Update Log & Patch Notes


This post covers it all Shindo Life Update log and patch notes. Shindo Life is an anime fighting game RELL World Developer group. The game is inspired by the popular anime and especially Naruto, as you follow the path of a ninja and compete to become stronger by unlocking bloodlines, different modes, ninja tools and more.

The full log and patch notes can also be viewed Shindo Life Trello.

Don’t forget to check for the latest Shindo Life codes while you’re here.

Update 194.3 glitch patch notes:

Glitch: Getsuga first move has the red arm instead of the blue one
Light Jokei First move is instant cast whereas Dark/Gold Jokei first move still has handsigns
Glitch: The gear icon on the bottom right shows the update number of the previouse update
Glitch: You can reduce the mode drain of Ashura, Indra Or Kamaki Akuma Q spec if you use mist
Glitch: You can use Ray Kerada 1st twice by using the skin and the normal.
Glitch: jokei fist doesn’t knockback
Glitch: Gold Jokei Counter Damage fixed
Glitch: Companions Dont work on bosses
Bug: Power 2nd breaks you
Bug: Mode Drain for Q specs Altered after using Fog Dissolution ( Ashura, Kamaki, Getsuga, etc)
Bug: Certain moves that have had handsigns added (Raion Gaiden 1st, Sengoku Gaiden 1st, Indra 1st) Take double chi
Doku/Tengoku/Scorpion 2nd move buffed
Satori Rengoku 3rd move buff
Kabu Cobra 3rd move handsign reduced by 1
Glitch: When someone uses bankai akuma genjutsu and you are flying with dynamic stomp barrage and manage to hit them, you and the person ends up getting voided.

Needs more testing Attempted Fix
Glitch: Falling out of the void in comp causes both people to be immune to eachothers attacks.

Update 193-194 patch notes:

Getsuga Changes: Icons changed to Blue, Ability changed to Blue/White
Getsuga Black Skin

Balances & Fixes
Reduce Perfect Block to 200k damage
Yang 6 Glitch fix
Suggestion: Add a Raion Barrage at the end of Copy Style: Counter
Suggestion: Reduce Duration of Senko: Spirit Bomb/Storm Kunai
Suggestion: Make Taijutsu Body Dodge Non-Staggerable
Suggestion: Remove end-lag, Increase damage and ragdoll stun for obelisk chi blade
Suggestion: Remove end-lag & knockback Shock Cloak Second Stage spec + add a ragdoll effect
Suggestion: Give Pika Senko C Spec Iframes
Suggestion: Remove hand-signs on Light Jokei First (Airpalms)
Suggestion: Decrease Hyper-Armour time on Sand Style: Shield Of Apol
Suggestion: Reduce Narumaki’s Second start-up
Suggestion: Remove end-lag from Boxing Martial Art
Suggestion: Make bubble first Instant-Cast
Suggestion: Reduce end-lag on Lightning 6th
Suggestion: Reduce endlag on Chaos 1st, the endlag last for more than half of the ability duration. It also has a good bit of startup and it knockbacks, sure it blockbreak but that really doesnt compensate for the cons of the ability.
Suggestion: Wanizame 3rd a block breaker
Suggestion: Increase the Aoe of chaos/order 2nd one dash can easily dodge it so increase range or make it insta cast
Suggestion: Ashura 1st NERF add 1 more handsign
Suggestion: make the hit box of the second movement of the powder smaller, since it is too easy to hit the attack, it is too broken for combos
powder 2nd take 2 handsigns
powder 3rd decrease hitbox
Suggestion: Decrease handsigns on Smoke Second move + buff DMG
Suggestion: Remove Azim Senko Third from the stun GCD (Global Cool-Down) + Increase handsigns
Suggestion: Remove end-lag from Dio Senko First Stage C Spec if it misses
Suggestion: Reduce Stamina drain on Wide-Dash
Suggestion: Decrease Reaper Spirit Cool-down
Suggestion: Dual Electro Damage Reduction
Suggestion: increasing the cool-down of all Kenjutsu Q specs slightly
Suggestion: Reduce Satori Rengoku First Cool-Down: 30 - 25 seconds
Suggestion: Reduce damage on Acid (Element) Second
Suggestion: Reduce hitbox of Ashura Wood Third
Suggestion: Increase Ashura Wood Second Cool-Down
Suggestion: Give Jayramaki/Azure Second a stun effect similar to Ray Kerada First
Suggestion: Increase range on Jayramaki/Azure skin 2nd: Hair Grab
Suggestion: Decrease hand-signs on Shiro Glacier/Zero First by 1
Suggestion: Reduce stun on Shiver/Prism Fourth (Element)
Suggestion: Decrease start-up on Sun Kenjutsu Second
Menza 1st block break knockback changed to blockbreak
Menza 2nd damage buff
Menza 3rd handsign reduce by 1

Shindo Storm Fixes
- PTS Raion Mode change to new Cursemark stage 2
- Bruce Kenichi Mode changed to SHBM
- Aile Minakame R,F,G Fix (upgraded to new jutsu's)
- Aile Minakame Mode R,T Fix (upgraded to new jutsu's)
- Kabu Cobra Fix R,G (upgraded to new jutsu's)
- Arahaki Jokei C Spec changed to Golden Byakugan
- Menza Azarashi R,F fix (upgraded to new jutsu's)
- Menza Azarashi Mode T,F (upgraded to new jutsu's)
- Renshiki G fix (upgraded to new jutsu's)
- Light Jokei R,T,G fix (upgraded to new jutsu's)
- Garin Atomic T,F fix (upgraded to new jutsu's)
- Garin Atomic Mode R,F fix (upgraded to new jutsu's)

Update 191-192 patch notes:

This card is empty on the Shindo's Trello board.

Update 189-190 patch notes:

Kamaki Akuma
Kamaki Inferno (Skin)
Glitch: Headless 1st move and 3rd move cause severe FPS drops.
Glitch: Running out of stamina with Vine 2nd move on allows you to then use the move with no CD.
Shindo Layered Clothing (Beta Testing for a upcoming update, N/A to the public)

Update patch notes 187-188:

Glitch/Bug: Raion Gaiden 2nd still gives you iframes when you miss the ability.
Glitch/Bug: Sometimes, your aim can bug out causing your moves to shoot from another direction.
For Competitive Pads you'll need to be S Rank to enter
If you leave game during a Comp Match you'll get -2 Losses added to your record

Open World Progress
New Map Layout
10 villages and hidden locations
Inventory System
New Ui Design
Mode Spec to one slot Z
Automatic Charging
(equipping, saving, kunai/stim amounts (re-buyable))
stats revision
Shinobi Ranking System instead of levels
Advanced AI setup

Update 185-186 patch notes:

Octopop (Gen 3 TB)

Companion / NPC Glitch Fix
Bug: Visual bug with the new Head Less boss drop weapon where the Azarashi Kunai icon can be seen on it for some reason
Bug: This player in particular can’t rank up. I don’t know if this has happened to others, but he hasn’t been able to rank up for a month.
Octopop Mode Stage 1-4
Octopop Boss Battle
Octo Ink
Octo Tentacion Fight
Octopop Mace

Competitive Queue System
Shindo Storm Comp Queue System
RPG Competitive Queue System
Queue System lobby finder (new)
Queue System Instant Load
Queue System works with !pr rankings
Comp Adjustment: Azim senko kunai/sl2 senko kunai not have the teleport feature in competitive game mode
Comp Adjustment: Dagai Wire (won't pull far) and Senko Throw (short tp range) in competitive game mode

Auto Dodge mid combo
--Subjutsu Autododges:
Taijutsu Dodge (Taijutsu) (New)
Body Replacement
Fog Dissolution
--Other Autododges:
Bankai Akuma 2nd
Dio/Azure/Rose Senko 1st
Vine 2nd
Akuma 2nd

• Reduction of end-lag on Lariat Fist Q Spec
• Demon Gate Spirit Z spec end-lag and start up reduction (8th Gate)
• Ray Kerada First block-breaks only on the first hit
• Light (dark, gold) Jokei 3rd Stage Q Spec speed up slam-down animation
• Satori Akuma First Range Increase (Minor)
• Broomstick cool-down increase (25 seconds overall) & removal from Iframe global-cooldown
• Shindai Prime Blade & SL2 Shindai Prime Blade tornado speed increase
• Cool-down Reduction on Doku/Scorpion Tengoku Second
• End-lag reduction/removal on Kagoku/Platinum Skin First
• Stamina Requirement reduction on Ryuji First
• Stamina Requirement reduction on Ryuji Second
• Stamina Requirement Reduction on Ryuji Third
• Reduce startup on Menza Third
• Remove handsigns on Stone Style: Fist of steel (Subjustu)
• increase cooldown on Shizen Shield (weapon) and remove off of iframe GCD
• Remove Rykan Shizen First off of Iframe GCD
• Remove Narumaki 3rd off of stun GCD
• Make the first 2 shuriken of Narumaki/Yang/Ruby Second move ragdoll
• Reduce the end-lag of Narumaki/Yang/Ruby (Stage 1) Q spec
• Reduce startup on Sarachia Akuma/Gold stage 3 E spec
• Increase cooldown of Eternal Akuma Hand Z spec (slightly)
• Increase the cool-down of Fog Dissolution (slightly)
• Removal of end-lag on Namikaze/Dio Senko Stage 1 C Spec
• Pyromania Fourth Hitbox mini adjustment 10,10,10 to 8,8,8
• Allow the user the ability to use moves and consumables during the Dio Senko auto-dodge
• Reduce Kenjutsu Q specs slightly less startup from 1 second to 0.3 second
• Apollo Sand First damage increase and end-lag removal
• Ghost Korashi Second damage reduction and make it un-stunable since it is really easy to escape
• Cancel Animation on Raion Gaiden Second if the opponent blocks the attack (Chibaku Pull-down)
• Hitbox Increase on Ryuji Kenichi First
• Hitbox Increase on Bruce Kenichi First
• Addition of a stun (chain effect) on Azarashi First

Update 183-184 log:

New Pro Rank
New Competitive Server System (12 Players per server)
Head Less Bloodline (Boss Drop)
Headless Hat (Boss Drop)
Headless Blade (Boss Drop)
New Bloodlineline Bag Update
!pr (opens pro rank menu)
!cpr (closes pro rank menu) or hit the leave button
Glitch Fix: Doku Counter void fix
glitch Fix: when you activate your shindai rengoku companion counter, the clones will attack you
Glitch Fix: Switching between puppet art and any other martial will cause copies of your puppet and its strings. Basically, this is a really annoying lag machine.
Recent Glitch Fix: Chocho boss timer when you enter a server is over 3 minutes (on newer servers
(Recent) Glitch Fix: Infinite queue when someone leaves 2v2s in pro rank
(Recent) Glitch Fix: Pro Rank negative glitch count

Update 175-182 log:

Update 181-182
7th Tailed Beast Gen 3
Greatsword of ChoCho
Gen 3 Gift system
fall map change
X crouch removed
Update 175-180 (Glitches/Fixes list in here)
Indra Akuma
Gigantic Beast Combat System
New Mentor Bruce Kenichi (WW Perk, Dashing Perk)
Sub out will wait until a taijutsu/ability sequence to play out before subbing out
fix up Dynamic Stomp and Skull crusher
Suggestion: Remove Kajin 2nd, Bankai 3rd, Flame 3rd, Raion Ren/Sen/Azure 1st, Wind 5th, and Inferno 3rd ability to bypass iframes.
Make Deva ren/sen/whitebeard Second ability's cooldown start after the move is over
Rasenshuriken/Rasenshuriken Inferno Rush fix
ragnar 1st fix
Fix Q spec for the last mode of all Gen 3 tailed spirits by increasing the cd.
Suggestion: Give Azim Dual Senko Some Startup & Increase CD or reduce the stun time
Make Fume Second's move cooldown start at the end of the move
give scorch and frost 3rd move handsigns
fix acid second and acid last
fix cement 3rd
fix Water 3rd damage
fix pyro 6th move
Remove endlag after ragnar counter hits.
Fume 2nd fix
give Deva Ren,Sen,White beard 3rd move fix
fix acrobat style (weapon) ability to use moves during the attack
fix damage of snakeman q spec
fix handsigns for shiver fourth
fix Minakaze 2nd's block breaker.
fix damage on Minakaze 3rd.
fix damage or stun for snakeman e spec
fix Indra Akuma E spec CD to 20
fix cd stun time of deva third
fix Mode drain for Rune Konchu
fix Fog Dissolution subjustu on Iframe GCD
fix Acid slide's iframes
fix Minakaze 2nd's iframe
fix BIG damage on Snakeman 1st
glitch: when you use indra mode and someone use a shiver akuma move/ fireball warp you will get glitched
Stone and Cement trail (trails) counter damage stack patch
/e fart is broken
Alphi Gen 3 timer is above 3 mins (Vinland)
Fizz name fix
Glitch/Bug: 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th moves of Chaos aren't on GCD with its moves on its counterpart skin, Order.
Glitch: Sage Reworks can get inf mode by desummoning the clone as soon as they hit 0 mode
Bug/Glitch: After usage of snakeman 3rd move(only the normal version,snakeman platinium works fine for some reason),it blocks you from using anything other than x,z and c keybinds.
Glitch/Bug: pyromania 6th takes double chi
Chaos/Order 2nd move takes no chi
Bug: Ragnar and Skin GCD fix
Bug: Using Ray Kerada's (and skin) C spec on a log voids you.
Glitch: Your character bugs out if someone leaves during the Ray Kerada C spec
Glitch: Going into mode with Bruce Kenichi makes him naked.... ( Shindo Storm )
Bug: Senko storm will not work if a player has less than 50k chi, despite the chi cost being 25k.
Glitch: Using the gen 1 and gen 2 8 tails mode Z spec can allow you to duplicate C specs. THESE MOVES MELT TAILED BOSSES' HP! | Shindo Life
Puppet Combat Art
Puppet Customizer
Odama Rasengan v2
Dual Raikiri v2
Raikiri v2
Raikiri Senko v2
Rasengan Senko v2
Limited Bloodlines permenantly on Spin System/Buyable, no countdown needed
Ashura Shizen
Indra 2nd handsign reduced to 1, cooldown reduce to 25, range increase by 5
Minakaze 2nd iframe re-added
deva rengoku 3rd handsign reduce to 1
snakeman e spec tick damage buff

Update 171-174 log:

Game Bonus Day System
Mon-Tue: 1.5x RELLcoins
Wed-Thurs: 1.5x BOSS DROPS
Friday-Sun: 2xp Weekend

New Game Bonus Day System
Chaos and Order rework
Gen 3 6 Tailed Beast
Gen 3 6 Tailed Beast Boss
Fizz EKG
Alphi Scythe
Bug: Xeno Dokei Azure 1st and 2nd move icons are mismatched
Glitch: Gilga 4th is not on counter global cooldown
The 5 Main Villages aren't suppose to have bounty hunting. Bounty Hunting only applied with the new mode system changes
Glitch: Pyro 4th animation glitch fix

171-172 (Last Update)
2x EXP on entire game
2x EXP buff for F-A (exp changed to 3x)
Max Rank mentor system fix
Max rank exp system fix
glitch: when you hold your kunai and chi dash, your kunai will glitch until you reset
Fume name fix
Glitch/Bug: when using Ray Kerada’s C spec and then using the Shikai Hurricane tai sub, voids the person you use it on.
Glitch: Apollo Sand M1s Glitch the hands
Glitch: Tsunami 2nd Causes MASSIVE drop in frame rate
Glitch/bug: Getting hit by a barrage(ryuji axis, raion barrage, azarashi barrage) during water 2nd crashes your game.
Glitch/bug: eastwood second not taking any chi on activation.
Glitch/Bug: Using sei gen 2 form 1 z spec will allow you to duplicate moves.
Glitch/Bug: You are able to mash the E spec of Minakaze 2nd stage so that it duplicates.
Glitch/Bug: You can spam Minakaze 2nd Stage Q spec up to 4 times consecutively.
Kamaki 3rd Stage
Kamaki arena x character
Kamaki boss scroll
Kamaki companion
Kamaki Boss
Tyn V2 Boss
Yin Yang Gold (Gilga)
Tyn Tail Summon subjutsu
Kagoku mode unbanned from comp
Tyn Tail un banned from comp
Yin / Yang rework
Dark/Light/Gold Jokei 2nd move, damage buff + small knockback
Shiver Akuma 3rd move, tp removed
Raion Akuma 1st move, damage buff + medium knockback
Satori Akuma 2nd move, damage buff + aircombo
Shindai Akuma 1st move, clones last 2x long, aircombo
Doku Ten/Scorp 3rd move, endlag added
Ragnar/Skin 3rd move, doesnt tp
Jinshiki 3rd move, backflips, stun reduced

Update 169-170 log:

Minakaze Rework + Baryon
Minakaze back on spin
Minakaze Azure back on spin
Minakaze Ruby skin
Minakaze 2nd Stage (Baryon) 1/10 Boss Drop
Minakaze Tentacion cloak
1st move teleport timestop iframes 1 second
2nd move make faster and block break
3rd move remove gap
c spec shadow clone minakaze rush timestop clone combo
e spec clone time stop
q spec = 1st c spec

Gen 3: 5th Tailed Beast
animate beast (idle, rest, run, attack1, attack2, attack3, attack 4,tail beast charge, tail beast launch)
Set up Boss Battle
Stage 1 (Mode)
Stage 2 (Mode)
Stage 3 (Mode)
Stage 4 (Modes)
Fume Elemental Bloodline (Boss Drop)
1st q spec taijutsu rush fume fist block break
2nd q spec erupting strong foot (kicks player drags them with u and starts air combo)
3rd q spec AOE explosive fume slam
3rd e spec summons kokuo and shoots explosive fume bullets
4th qspec wing sword multi slash
4th z spec change magma bullets to fume bullets
Tentacion Boss Fight (4th Stage)

Update 167-168 log:

Fix: shiver, prism, water, lightning streams crash servers
5th Tailed Beast sneak
Fix: When players exit game (all game modes) it does not count accurate players in the team in the game modes
Azim dual senko time stop teleport aim
God Kerada (Ray Kerada)
Ray Kerada Yang
Fix: Dio Senko q spec glitch

acid 1st move: acid body iframe
acid 2nd move: posion trail effect explode on contact
acid 3rd: acid rain AOE
acid 4th: acid slide remake, new mechanics
acid 5th: acid wave remake, controllable by moving avatars body
acid 6th: acid dragon remake, new prison damage effect

first move: earth trail block break
2nd move: gravel stun click point
3rd move: rock dome new effect (iframe)
3rd move: earth dome push back when summoned
4th move: earth sesmic wave AOE
5th move: earth dragon new rock mesh with aoe pillar slam
6th move: recode, aoe knockback

1st move: Cement bullet stun
2nd move: cement counter, pillar summon
3rd move: new dragon effect, block breaks
4th move: cement wave, stun effect
5th move: new cement AOE effect and hitbox fix
6th move: cement fist trap run with fist and strong block break

God Kerada Moveset
1st move: super human boulder, blockbreak
2nd move: giant expansion stomp aoe
3rd move: giant expansion barrage, combo extender
mode m1s = phoenix fist m1s
c spec = phoenix bomb rush (combo ender)
q spec = phoenix fist barrage projecitle

Update 165-166 log:

Mastery Search Bar Upgrade
Moveset Tab upgrade
Element/EKG names back to original name
Gaint bosses cant be countered
Odin Saberu upgrade
Odin 3rd move attacks npcs fix
Odin first move cd reduce to 30
Mode System reverted in Ember, Dunes, Haze, Nimbus, Obelisk & Dungeons
acrobat style sl2
Maru Flame Daggers
Shiver Tanto shisui point to aim
Rykan Blade rykanblade point to aim
Dio Senko Blade point to aim
Fixed abilities not damaging bosses
Fixed damage stacking with shadow clones
Moonknight available to spin
Batman available to spin
Minakaze 2nd now has iframes
Dynamic Stomp Barrage, Skull Crusher has 0 start up, turned into combo ender

God Shado
1st move player turns into shadow and runs at person preforming combo
2nd move = shadow grip click
3rd move player turns into shadow and runs around punching people
q spec shadow grip
c spec yo yo possession

Explosive Sand (New)
uses apol staff to cast moves
aoe 3rd i frame shield protect players and player can't attack not on gcd 2, new concept
sand burial trap
explosivesand launch hand explosion 2nd q spec block breaker

1st move = gale palm block breaker
2nd move = gale rasengan rush
3rd move aoe hurricane
4 move change Gale Claw, grabs them and brings them to you
5th move = gale rush air combo starter spawn two shadow clones
6th move = gale bullets

com1 change
com 2 change leave burn on floor
com 3 change move and make it do 2 grand fire balls
com4 change mesh and make faster leave burn on floor
com5remake to aoe dragons
com6 move change

Shiver/Gold Lightning
shiver 1 = faster
shiver 2 = change
shiver 3 senbon imporvement
shiver 4 change
shiver 5 remake click tp

Water Remaster
water 6 change and aoe explosion hitbox
water 3rd water pillar aoe
water5 improvement and turn into rush
water 3rd water pillar aoe
1st move effect change and splash
water 2nd change to controllable and new effect
water 4th block break strong/controllable

New Player Experience
Clean Kage office mission reduce from 1/20 to 1/3
Groceries mission reduce from 1/7 to 1/2
New Players start with 25 Spins
Shindo Storm characters cost a lot less reduce to 10k to 100k

Shindo Storm Character Moveset changes
PTS Raion R/T/F
Raion Akuma R/G
Azim Senko G
Deuce Wanziame F/G
Bankai Akuma R/F
Bankai Akuma mode R
Kabu Cobra R/G (when cement gets remastered)
Shindai Akuma F (upgrade to a new fire move)
Raion Ren R/T + SL2 Grass Tanto
Shiver Akuma R/T/F/G
Shiver Akuma Mode G
Menza Azarashi R/F (not updated as of yet)
Menza Azarashi mode F (not updated as of yet)
Forged Rengoku R/T
Forged Rengoku Sword of Nonoboku
Renshiki G (not updated as of yet)
Renshiki Mode G (change to Shiki hurricane)
Pika Senko R/T/F/G
Light Jokei R/T/G (not updated)
Garin Atomic T/F (when chaos/order remaster) (not updated)
Garin Atomic R/F (when chaos/order remaster) (not updated)
Minakaze T
Borumarki T/F/G
Borumaki Mode G
Ashen Storm Weapon
Odin Saberu moveset buff

Update 163-164 log:

Glitch Fixes
You are able to stack moves during the C spec of Doku Tengoku (specifically at the Truth Seeking Orbs portion)
Using six paths narumaki third move while in a placelock stun like rykan blade's q spec will cause the user to be unable to use moves or m1.
when you do your mentor training, after fighting the mentor half of your bounty will be cut in half because the game counts That you combat logged.
Using the c spec on shiver akuma will freeze the user's md bar.
Using fog dissolution basically freezes your md. This can be used with mode to gain infinite mode.
consumable hold glitch
The gold version of Renshiki 2nd does not work at all. When you try to activate the move, it breaks the rest of your moves too.
when you use shiver tanto and any rasenshureken rush, you void people
dungeons mob cant die

Lightning Rework
1st = make it controllable + new effects + makes opponent stay in place
2nd move = effecct change and give m1 priority and
3rd move = effect change and make it faster
4th move turn it into something like cursemark e spec stage 2
6th move = kirin dragon behind player as an effect and instant lighting strike at mouse

Flame Rework
1st move effects
2nd move breath remake
3rd move grand flame fireball remake
4th move flame pillar
5th move dragon remake
6th move great dragon flame stun remake

Happy Tailed Beast
Staff of Happy
Stage 1 of Happy
Stage 2 of Happy
Stage 4 off Happy
Happy Hollow mask design
Happy Boss Battle
Happy Tentacion Boss Fight
Magma EKG
eyes for 2nd Tailed Beast Maru
eyes for 4th Tailed Beast Happy

Update 161-162 log:

PTS Raion drops cursemark rework 1/25
Old Maps spawn times/spawn times placement on new maps fixed
Cursemark markings
Cursemark wings 3d
cursemark animations
q spec = break arms rush
e spec = black chidori floor nagashi
1st z spec = black chidori lions barrage
markings appear effect
2nd q spec = 1st z spec but turned into counter
2nd z spec =black chidori click tp
2nd e spec = black chidori rush
new animation for modeup
cursemake m1s
4 New Mask + custom mask redesign
the last mask uses first mask texture (over head on the side)
Lariat Fist (combat art)

Wind remaster
blade of the wind
wind Tornado effect remake
Wind Blast Remake
Wind bullets spray remake
wind vacuum

Narumaki Bridge Map rework
Tempest Map rework
Training Field Map Rework
Shindai Valley Map Rework
set down max rep req to 10k
legend players Dont need to take bounty board to gain legend
dr fate and strange m1 anims fix
Allow moves like Flame breath and Toad Flame martial art to be counterable with the exception of flames already set on the ground like Satori Inferno: Bomb Rush or Toss
Glitch/Bug: Eagle summoning just randomly falls down and is unable to fly after a certain period of time. (check glitch august)
Glitch: Immortal NPC, Stuck on 0 HP. (check glitch august)
Get rid of Inferno's 2nd ability to bypass block
Add chi consumption to Inferno Korashi 2nd and 3rd (infernoazarashi, ghostazarashi)
Increase Stun on Forged Ren 3rd
Fix: Dunes Boss Missions still took 5 minutes
Fix: Shoe #10 glitch
increase iframes and Lower Endlag on Eastwood Korashi 3rd (Horseman)
Wall Walking fixes on Shindai Valley, Tempest,, Narumaki Bridge, Training Field, Blaze, and Forest on Embers
make minakaze / minakaze azure c spec play out a bit faster (time in air etc)
Strange & fate 2nd and 3rd slow your movement when activated
reduce endlag on Shindai 1st C Spec
Add Ragdoll to clay 2nd
-25 to show on bounty board
handsign & cooldown reduction on rab style meteor
Cobra/ Kabu Cobra 2nd move removed from iframe GCD
Sengoku 1st stage knockback removed
remove handsigns on menza 2nd
Strange 3rd move damage reduce
Event Boss Fighting servers work like private servers
remove iframes from dr strange q spec
Jokei Fist q spec damage fix
Water Dragon Fist q spec buff
Purple Lightning/Prism Lightning 6th move removed from GCD4
fix flying bug
fix m1 delay
jump click slowdown

Update 159-160 log:

Blaze Village (remastered Ember 250 YC)
Mission System Fix
Reworked village symbols/map symbols/headband symbols
Headband System re-worked, new headbands etc
Updated command panel !cmds
Mitsuki (SnakeMan) Bloodline
SnakeMan Platinum
Ryuji Axis remake
Azarashi Barrage remake
Raion's Barrage remake
skull crusher damage buff
All of Shindo's Scroll Spawn rarity, spawn rarities set to below 1/10, explanation in video
NPC glitch, Lag reduce
Storm Village Spawn times transfer to Blaze Village (Storm Village no longer exist, a remaster is coming to Tempest, Storm Village place is being used to create the new Tone Village
Grip System Upgrade
Shindo Main Menu UI re-work
Top Shindo Ranks re-added
Shindo overhead UI re-work, villages and ranks added (Coming soon)
Gedo Mazo summoning fix

Bounty System Redesign and Fix
Bounty/Legend bonus stats
Bounty System money cap increase (rewards)
Being gripped at 1 second won't set back the timer to 4
resetting won't give you full mode bar, won't affect private servers
Grip System auto grips when knocked
in-combat = can't reset
Bounty/Legend won't affect private servers
Bounty reset every month
Two players with bounty grip eachother they gain legend, should gain bounty
Two players with legend grip eachother they lose legend, should lose legend
If Bounty player grips Legend player they gain bounty
If legend player grips player they lose legend, If legend player grips bounty poster they gain legend. If Legend player grips Legend player they both lose legend.
Bounty System won't work on private servers (posters, gaining, or losing)
Bounty Dupe glitch fix
Bounty System reset

Stats Bounty Bonus
-1m = +50 in all stats
-2m = +100 in all stats
-3m = +150 in all stats
-4m = +200 in all stats
-5m = +250 in all stats
-6m = +300 in all stats
-7m = +350 in all stats
-8m = +400 in all stats
-9m = +450 in all stats
-10m = +500 in all stats
1m = +50 in all stats
2m = +100 in all stats
3m = +150 in all stats
4m = +200 in all stats
5m = +250 in all stats
6m = +300 in all stats
7m = +350 in all stats
8m = +400 in all stats
9m = +450 in all stats
10m = +500 in all stats

Rank Exp Bonus
F 1.5x EXP
D 1,2,3 | 1.8, 1.9, 2.0
C 1,2,3 | 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
B 1,2,3 | 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
A 1,2,3 | 2.7, 2.8, 2.9
S 1,2,3 | 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
V 1,2,3 | 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
X 1,2,3 | 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
Y 1,2,3 | 3.9, 4.0, 4.2
Z 1,2,3 | 4.4, 4.6, 4.8
Max 5x EXP

Update 153-158 log:

157-158 Updates
New Forest of Embers map redesign (less lag)
Boss Timer set down from 5 minutes to 3 minutes
Sparky boss
Sparky Animations
Spark tailed beast 3d assets
1st q spec water stream explosion
2nd q spec water stream prison
3rd q spec water shell spear hyper armour
3rd e spec isobu summon multi water stream hit
stage 2-3 m1s
4th q spec Spear of Sparky weapon
Spear of Sparky 3d asset
Gen 3 Mode design
Surge: 2nd move =water stream
Surge: 1st move coral trap placement
Surge: 3rd move tidal wave coral trap
Gen 3 cloak design
Sparky Tentacion Fight
5 Toneri cloak for rc shop
Spear of Sparky Weapon
Shindai Rengoku & Shindai Ramen drip for RC Store
New Taijutsu Move: Skull Crusher

155-156 Updates
Shiver Ragnar (skin)
Azure Dokei (skin)
13 New Shoes with official Shindo Palette
Hair 0 = bald hair
Hair 2 customization addition
10 Dawn Cloaks (for gamepass)
(stuff for open world, not gonna list it here)

153-154 Updates
Ryuji Cave
Shiki Forest
firebending counter fix
Kenjutsu 2nd
Slug Sage
equip seconday to bloodline bag for kenjutsu
main and secondary q spec button switch
Slug cloak design etc

Fix & Balance
Effects being stuck due to laggy devices/resetting/exploits/etc. fixed
Rykan Shizen Blade cd increase by 5
Shindo Blade buff
Raion Blade removed from stun gcd, damage reduced
Tsunami Style: Water Jet Canon removed from autododge gcd and placed on gcd12
Magma Spirit Bomb chi reduced
Eternal 3rd move endlag reduced
Jayramaki/Azure m1 knockback removed
Sengoku/Sengoku 1st move Inferno endlag reduced
Raion Gaiden/Sengoku Gaiden endlag reduced
Ragnar 3rd move added to GCD 2 (global counter/iframe)
Inferno 2nd move added to GCD 12 (iframe attack)
Vanhelsign 3rd move removed from autododge gcd, damage reduced
Strange/Fate Q spec iframe reduced
Bruce Kenichi stats buff
Slug Sage fix
Arahaki Jokei air combo move doesnt take stamina, moved to taijutsu tab, now a taijutsu move
Shindai Akuma 1st move doesn't take chi
Bankai/Riser inferno 1st move stun glitch fix
Dungeon NPC infinite hp glitch fix
Sand 3rd move break fix
vine 3rd move double chi take fix
storm 3rd move damage stack fix
Boil 3rd move damage stack fix
e spec no cooldown fix
Dokei 2nd move and Azim 1st move glitch
Deva Rengoku/Sengoku/Gura 3rd move doesn't take the correct amount of chi fix
!tenctacion just as Tailed spirit mode is about to run out you get infinite baryon mode fix
if you use bankai gen then pika subjutsu blind then dagai throwable blind in that order, as quick as possible, it blinds your screen permanently until you rejoin. fix
Shiki Hurricane scroll unable to pick up fix
Azim Senko 1st move damage stack fix
A bunch of Poision damage adjustments fix

Update 153-158 log:

Dungeon Rarities
Dio Senko rarity reduce from 1/70 to 1/12
Arahaki Jokei rarity reduce from 1/75 to 1/12
Tengoku rarity reduce from 1/65 to 1/18
Rengoku rarity reduce from 1/70 to 1/20
Sengoku rarity reduce from 1/70 to 1/20
Bankai Akuma rarity reduce from 1/75 to 1/15
Rykan Shizen rarity reduce from 1/80 to 1/16
Raion Rengoku rarity reduce from 1/65 to 1/16
Shindai Akuma rarity reduce from 1/80 to 1/15
Eastwood Korashi rarity reduce from 1/80 to 1/14
Jayramaki Azure rarity reduce from 1/80 to 1/14

Event Drops
Jinshiki drops jinshiki ekg (1/15)
Kagoku drops bloodline (1/20)
Shindai Rengoku boss drop reduce to 1/20
Shindai Rengoku Yang is off true limited

Deva Rengoku boss drop (old c spec) BOSSDROPDevaold
Narumaki Toad Boss
Jayramaki Toad Boss
Narumaki rework Sage Mode Drop
Jayramaki rework Sage Mode Drop
Shindai Ramen Guy skin
Jayramaki Sage REWORK ( m1s = frog attack, q spec = summon frog disabled m1s, z spec = toad flame bomb )
Narumaki Sage REWORK ( m1s = frog attack, q spec = summon frog disabled m1s, z spec = knife combo
e spec for both sages mode to spawn clone that meditates and can reheal mode
New Location: Mount Maki
Redesign Game Map Hud
Add Event Bosses to Map Hud
New Sage Mode Robe: Jayramaki Sage
New Sage Mode Robe: Narumaki Sage
Deva Rengoku old c spec turn into a BOSS Drop
Fixed Minakami 400k one spec move

Update 151-152 log:

Dungeon Rarities
Dio Senko rarity reduce from 1/70 to 1/12
Arahaki Jokei rarity reduce from 1/75 to 1/12
Tengoku rarity reduce from 1/65 to 1/18
Rengoku rarity reduce from 1/70 to 1/20
Sengoku rarity reduce from 1/70 to 1/20
Bankai Akuma rarity reduce from 1/75 to 1/15
Rykan Shizen rarity reduce from 1/80 to 1/16
Raion Rengoku rarity reduce from 1/65 to 1/16
Shindai Akuma rarity reduce from 1/80 to 1/15
Eastwood Korashi rarity reduce from 1/80 to 1/14
Jayramaki Azure rarity reduce from 1/80 to 1/14

Event Drops
Jinshiki drops jinshiki ekg (1/15)
Kagoku drops bloodline (1/20)
Shindai Rengoku boss drop reduce to 1/20
Shindai Rengoku Yang is off true limited

Deva Rengoku boss drop (old c spec) BOSSDROPDevaold
Narumaki Toad Boss
Jayramaki Toad Boss
Narumaki rework Sage Mode Drop
Jayramaki rework Sage Mode Drop
Shindai Ramen Guy skin
Jayramaki Sage REWORK ( m1s = frog attack, q spec = summon frog disabled m1s, z spec = toad flame bomb )
Narumaki Sage REWORK ( m1s = frog attack, q spec = summon frog disabled m1s, z spec = knife combo
e spec for both sages mode to spawn clone that meditates and can reheal mode
New Location: Mount Maki
Redesign Game Map Hud
Add Event Bosses to Map Hud
New Sage Mode Robe: Jayramaki Sage
New Sage Mode Robe: Narumaki Sage
Deva Rengoku old c spec turn into a BOSS Drop
Fixed Minakami 400k one spec move

Update 149-150 log:

Last Week reverts/fixes
Dynamic Stomp Barrage startup changed to knuckles cracking
Storm Breaker Slight damage buff
Raion Gaiden/Sengoku Gaiden re-added to FGH
Narumaki 3rd move, moved to STUN 2, cooldown decreased

Glitch Fix: Shiki Hurricane teleporting behind
Glitch Fix: Attempt to fix hair 1st fling
Glitch Fix: Light/Dark/Gold jokei 1st double chi take
Glitch Fix: Saberu 2nd double chi take
Glitch Fix: Pyromania 4th move double chi take
Glitch Fix: spam blocking flying glitch
Glitch Fix: Raion Ren/Azure/Sen 2nd move spamming twice
Glitch Fix: Dynamic Stomp Barrage added to VBN
Glitch Fix: Bruce Dragon Combo added to VBN
Glitch Fix: Sei (gen 1 and 2) and Rabbit tailed spirit being able to use their Z specs multiple times
Glitch Fix: Sei (gen 1 and 2) and Rabbit tailed spirit being able to duplicate moves.
Kenichi moves won't have handsign startup, changed to knuckles cracking
Ryuji Kenichi moves won't have handsign startup, changed to knuckles cracking
Kenichi 3rd move: ragdoll increased
Dangan Beast m1 ragdolls

Deva Sengoku spinnable & buyable
Tyn Cloak (both cloaks) prices reduced
Gura-Rengoku skin (Deva Rengoku)

Deva Rengoku rework
Deva quake effect
move 1 quake autotracking sphere
move 2 quake barrage rush
move 3 giant AOE quake rain meteors ontop almighty push
q spec = gravity field
C spec counter chibaku tensei
New Deva Rengoku, open pts dawn robe

Narumaki rework
Narumaki original stage 1 c spec glitch fix (no effect)
Narumaki 3rd move chi reduced
Narumaki 1st move range buff
Narumaki Ruby moveset color fixed
Narumaki m1 knock back removed
Remove timer from Narumaki 2nd mode
hyperarmour/invincible wont be slow stunned or affected by m1s anymore

Ashen Storm rework
Ashen Storm moded m1 knockback removed
1st move: teleports kicks into aircombo, instead of teleporting in and out
2nd move: reduce effects
3rd move: lightning blade rush but with lightning (menza based)
q spec: turn current c spec to q spec
c spec: ashen storm sub jutsu base, turn it into a storm lock, long stun

Inferno rework
Inferno 1st move free control/ air combo starter
Inferno 1st move, Hyper Armour time increase (m1 priority)
Inferno 2nd turned into a flight/travel move
Inferno 3rd move leaves behind burn aoe

Update 147-148 log:

renshiki axe commands
!renaxe random
!renaxe ruby
!renaxe green
!renaxe gold

Fixed Worm Sage m1s stacking with bloodlines
Fixed equipping more then 4 bloodline abilities
Fixed GCD cooldown with swords "STUN"
Shiro Glacier stats buff
Sub Zero Glacier Skin
Shiro Glacier m1 knockback removed
Doku 3rd move counter lock onto person
Doku m1 knockback removed
Cobra 1st move handsign reduced
cobra m1 knockback removed, poison damage re-addeds
150k perfect block 2 second iframe added
rc show all genkais
Kenichi 1st sub out
Can't Counter Burn Damage
rc shop re-design
all burn damage dont activate counters
dynamic stomp sub out
uzumaki barrage sub out
vengeance grapple sub out
vengeance rush sub out
inferno combustion grip burn sub out
bruce1 sub out
bruce 2 sub out
bruce 3 sub out
kenichi 1sub out
glacier 2nd sub out
Acrobat Style sub out
gates form 6 escape
renshiki axe combo escape
rune knocho 2nd escape
Mecha Tailed Spirit 2nd mode chi take reduce
Sword of Nunoboko, Spear of Tyn (WEAPON)
yin/yang 1st move damage fix
strange 3rd move damage fix
sound 2nd move damage fix
pyromania 6th move damage fix, double chi take fix
Jotaro,Giovani stage 2 damage fix
Crystal 2nd move damage fix
Kerada 2nd damage fix
Divination & Ryuiji passive dodge nerf, unbanned from competitive
Minakaze 2nd buff: iframes when 2nd rasengan starts
Ember Rising range reduce and hitbox fix
Two Blade Scythe, SL2 Chi Kunai, Chi Kunai range reduce
Light,Dark,Gold Jokei c spec range reduce
Kenjutsu Q Spec Start Ups, 2 seconds
Typhoon 2nd move nerf
Storm Breaker nerf
Raion Gaiden/Sengoku 2nd move range reduce
Thunder/Shiver Ken 2nd move iframe removed, range reduce
Narumaki SP 3rd move damage reduced on GCD 12
Riser Akuma fix knockback on the susanoo m1s
Dokei's 1st, Dokei's 2nd, Dokei C spec (Stages 1 and 2), Seishin 2nd, Xeno Boss Drop Subjustu, Bankai & Riser Inferno's 3rd ability Bypassing the 150k block system.
Being able to use click moves while
Strange bloodline allowed you to use the C spec 3 times
Give Dynamic Stomp an activation
Air Combos allowing move cloning
2 Tyn Cloaks RC Shop
rc ui redesigned

Update 145-146 log:

Tyn Re-work
remove sword of nun
from 3 remove timer
block passive
remove form 3
Remake M1S Form 1
3D asset for ten tails summon
Remake m1s form 2 sword of nunoboko
form 1 z spec truth seeking saucer orbs wrap around opponent in stun then orbs explode
from 1 q spec rush truth seeker orb spear
form 1 e spec summon ten tails beast bomb
block spec
from 2 e spec counter ten tails summon beast bomb multi tailbeast bombs
from 2 q spec rush into sword of nunoboko
redo ten tail dragon animations (messed up with size reduction)
ability to use WW during dangan counter
make dangan c spec take damage reduction and cant be knocked off
Make samurai spirit remove with boss
3D MODEL truth seeking orb block circle
tentail revamp
Tyn Form 1 drip
tentail remake dragon (smaller + better flight for xbox)
remake z spec tail beast bombs (faster and better effects)
right click in laser
gen1 revamp
change mode up effect to glass shattering
New epic mode for ten tail
SFX rework
tyn and tentails form 2 drop
Tyn Form 2 drip
redo gen 1 10 tail beast run animation (tails block screen and animation is broken)
test dungeon exp and tp back
dungeon rewards test/fix

Moveset saving Bloodline bag
Sarachia Arena Character
Lightning Shuriken Subjutsu fix
Sarachia 3rd move iframe fix
Sarachia 2nd move, turn knock back into burn, activates on blocking
Sarachia 1st move fix, lightning shuriken hit stun fix
Azim Senko buff
Azim Senko c Spec, damage increase
Azim Senko 3rd move damage buff, handsign reduce
Bolt buff
Bolt 2nd move hit stun increase, handsign removed
Bolt 1st move handsign reduce
Sarachia Boss (Ember)
Sarachia Re-work buff
Dungeons accessible without having requirements of 6
new game hud
Remove Gladiator and use map to Arena X/ Shindo Storm
music added to arena maps
Sarachia Companion
- (Susanoo spawns spawns with boss fight, Sarachia Boss) Bankai, Shiver, Raion, Satori, Shindai, Sarachia, Riser
regular akuma boss scroll spawn (Shindai Valley)
Dungeons Give Exp
Dungeons Give Ryo
Gen 1 Tyn Tail Dungeon
Dungeon tracking distance fix
Gen 1 Tyn Tail Fix
Gen 2 Tyn Tail Anims/Size fix
New Tournament System Map / Game Mode (OACB Rules)
New rewards in dungeons
Tournament system gives ryo and exp
Tournament system gives RELL Coins
Tournament System UI to show whats available
lower health of all full samurai spirits to 800,000
Fixed Duel Mode count, in duels it will be 10,000
cant escape arena (Tournament System)
Azim Senko boss drop, Azim Senko Dagai Throwable

Daily Mission changes
New: Defeat Boss 4x
remove: perfect block daily mission
New: Complete 10 Duels on dueling pad
New: Play Gamemode for 20 mins

Update 141-144 log:

All Renshiki variants available to spin
All Dawn Hideout bosses available in Vinland
Renshiki boss placed in Vinland
fix bruce c spec move stacking while in cutscene
fix bruce kenichi 1st move voiding issue fix
Kenjutsu Trail set to off permenantly, turn on in ui
auto tracking re-added to black lightning 1st move
customization menu map hud teleport vinland
Renshiki Ruby color upgrade
Renshiki Ruby
New Village: Vinland (New Obelisk)
Renshiki Gold Change
renshiki axe (boss drop)
Renshiki Remastered
renshiki form 2 boss drop
New Taijutsu mode: Hurricane Kick into high air combo
Wire Kunai (Throwable)
Last Pyromania move doesn't take chi fix
Sengoku Gaiden Idle animations fix
elemental m1s for renshiki 1st
from 2 c spec = dragon trap pheonix explosion
form 2 e spec = 1st c spec
form 2 q spec = stays the same
form 2 = monkey rock
C spec 1 = Deep Crimson Spiral
3rd move = giant chi bomb thing
Q spec 1 = Pheasant Hunter
1st move add eye on hand and absorb players chi if they attack the plr
2nd move change to rush combo attack

Update 139-140 log:

Important Game Mode command
team swap command for conquest, arena x and shindo storm (when team has less players)
!team red - !team blue - !team green - !team yellow

Bruce Kenichi
Dr Fate Skin
upgrade: m1 delays to air combo white list abilities
Konchu C Spec damage fix
Konchu 3rd move handsign reduce
Konchu 2nd move damage buff
Paper C Spec, cooldown reduce, auto tracking speed increase
Paper 3rd move chi reduce, damage increase, handsign reduced
Paper 2nd move chi reduced
Paper 1st move re-balanced, chi take reduce, cd increase, dmg fix
Glacier C Spec speed increase
Glacier 3rd move handsign reduce, auto tracking speed increased
Glacier 1st move handsign reduce
Dokei C Spec damage buff
Dokei 3rd move faster auto tracking
Dokei 1st move have same movement at Batman 1st
Ember Hurricane buff
Light/Dark/Gold Jokei Stage 1-3 m1 knockback removed
Kamizuru m1 poison damage buff
Seishin C spec damage increased
Seishin moded m1 knockback removed
saberu 2nd move damage added to clones (12k per clone)
dangan q spec buff
dangan beast summon last m1 block break
dangan mode knockback removed
sand z spec damage reduce
sand mode combat knock removed
sand 2nd takes more chi
byakugan gold/ byakugan Q Spec new movement
Kenichi stm take reduce on all moves
Kenichi 1st handsign removed
Kenichi 2nd move aoe buff
Kenichi 2nd stage passive auto dodge nerf
black lightning mode 1 sec iframe added, z spec damage increase
black lightning 3rd move breaker removed placed to 1st, cd reduce
black lightning 2nd move range increase cd reduce
black lightning 1st move turned into blockbreaker, auto tracking removed, speed increase
Azarashi 1st stage endlag remove
infinite m1 patch v2
Q spec fix
Storm 3rd move aoe reduce, handsigns removed, 2 second iframe added, GCD 2
Storm 2nd move damage increase, auto tracking/hitbox improved
Storm 1st move range fix, damage fix
Ink 3rd move chi reduce, damage increase
Shizen 2nd move damage re shuffle. sleep stun damage
Wanziame Z Spec hitbox fix, slow's down opponent, speed buff
Wanziame 1st move auto tracking speed increase
Handsigns removed from Kerada 1st move
Kokotsu Q Spec knock back removed, damage fix
Paper Q Spec, paper shuriken, add explosion effect, rotate shuriken
Okami 3rd move remake (arena version)
Okami c spec re make
Minakami (Shirogane) q spec turret flame thrower
Konchu 1st move damage counter fix
Konchu M1 no knockback chi drain fix
Kokotsu (kaguya) 2nd move have same movement at batman 1st
Wanziame (hoshigaki) z spec cooldowns down after it's activated
Giovanni/Jotaro 2nd stage knockback removed
Giovanni + Jotaro 2nd mode drain reduced heavily
Jotaro visual changes
dangan block break fix

Update 133-138 log:

New Wall Walk System
Azarashi Kunai
Storm Breaker
Apol Staff
monkey becomes companion and op cause ember bias
all akuma's buff no knock back in rib, skeletal, compact susanoo
Rune Koncho
some balances but I forgot what the balances were cause I wont write them down
some buffs with kaijin
kaijin 2nd move buff
kaijin 3rd move buff (knock back rework)

New Wall Walk System Functions
dashing on walls
jutsu on walls
movement on walls
manuevering on wlals
knockback on walls
camera system

other update
Apol Beast
Stage 1
Animate the beast
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
New Beast Bomb
Moon Knight skin
New Conquest map
1st stage z spec = tail beast bomb
1st stage m1s
2nd stage z spec = mini tail beast cero
3rd stage z spec giant body cero
4th stage zspec tail beast cero combo
4th stage m1s (full beast m1s)
stage 4 punch animations
qspec 3 = suna explosion
e spec 4 tail beast beast cero bomb
q spec 4 = summon tail beast and do a rush combo with sand spear
2nd + 3rd stage m1s sand hand combat
stage 1 wind slice animations
hollow animations
mode up animation
mentor fight tail beast for 4th stage
Dio Senko original eye upgrade
fixed Dio Senko Azure 1st mode Spec
Dio Senko Rose
fix infinite m1s

narumaki sixpaths ability
new m1 effects and animation
q spec = counter shadow clone rasengan barrage
e spec turn into current C spec
c spec = planetary massive rasenshuriken

narumaki cloak and staffs
narumaki toad sage mode 2
sub log duration buff to 4 seconds, range increased, placed on GCD 2
Raion Gaiden Uniform
damage counter
jinshiki event server
Jinshiki ekg
Jinshiki mode
Raion Gaiden mode and stuff
bunch of balances yeah

Update 132 log:

Raion Gaiden (Mode drop will be in event)
move 1 black flame Lightning Susanoo kirin dragons
move 2 chibakutensei meteor blaze chidori
move 3 susanoo combo into pull aircombo
Narumaki SP 2nd Mode
q spec = counter shadow clone rasengan barrage
e spec turn into current C spec
c spec = planetary massive rasenshuriken
Raion Gaiden Uniform (2 Variants)
sub log duration buff to 4 seconds, range increased, placed on GCD 2
New Block and Dodge System (with damage count/combo damage count)
fix npc attacks
m1 (0.5x damage), m2 (0.5x damage), m3 (1x damage), m4 (2x damage), m5 (1.5x damage)
Martial Arts only have 5 m1's, including ryuji/kenichi others with multiple m1s
Air Combo (Space Spec) Damage fix: this did no damage, (1k stamina drain)
Air Combo (Jump/Space) Damage fix: this did no damage
Air Combo (Q Spec) Damage fix on first hit and buff overall damage (1k stamina drain)
Air combo: regular damage on all three m1's
Ink C Spec buff

(Counters Not Allowed in Mid Combo)(GCD2)
Azim 1st move (duration increase to 3 seconds, can use combat during the end)
Chaos/Order 5h move (chi reduce, damage increased)
Dangan 2nd move (move redesigned, can use combat towards the end in hydrification, removed from midcombo)
Dark/Light/Gold Jokei 2nd move (frame duration increase to 2.5 seconds)
Deva Ren/Sen 3rd move (was buffed recently)
Forged Ren/Sen 2nd move (mode drain reduced)
Shiver Akuma 3rd move (duration increase from 1.5 to 2.5)
Saberu 3rd move (duration increase from 2 to 3)
Sarachia/Gold 3rd move (duration timer fix, speedboost added)
Raion Akuma 1st move (duration timer increase from 1.5 seconds to 2.5)
Satori Ren/Gold 2nd move (move rework with accurate definitive damage hitbox, 40k output at 5k stats)
Sengoku 3rd move (no changes, already busted)
Satori Akuma 2nd move (duration increase from 1.5 to 2.5, fixed duration timer)
Smoke 3rd move
Borumaki/Gold 2nd move
Ghost/Inferno Korashi 1st move
Kamaki/Amethyst 3rd move
Odin Saberu 1st move
Shindai Akuma 1st move (instacast, counter 2.5 seconds, duration effect fix, clones won't knockback, can block mid move)
Typhoon 3rd move (instacast, chi reduction to use move)
Minakami 3rd move (damage reduction, iframe reduce to 2 secs)
Jokei 2nd move
Firebolt Broomstick (Speed nerf)
Shindai Prime Blade/SL2 (Weapon)(iframe duration 2.5, cooldown glitch fix)
Reaper Spirit/Halloween/SL2 (handsigns removed, endlag reduce by half, mode drain reduced)
Sand 3rd move (3 second iframe added) (this was already on GCD 2)
Tsunami Style: Water Jet Canon (BOSS DROP) (ragdolls at the end instead of push up)
Hydra Style: Liquefy (BOSS DROP) (2.5 second frame)
Raion Style: Inferno Armour Control (BOSS DROP) (iframe added) (increase frame of 2.5 seconds) (this was already on GCD 2)
Doku Ten/Scorp 3rd move

(Autododge: Not Allowed in Mid Combo)(GCD2)
Gio/Jotaro Shizen 2nd move (duration increased to 5 seconds)
Bankai 1st move (duration increased to 5 seconds) (speed boost added)
Dio Senko/Azure 1st move (duration increased to 4 seconds) (speed boost upgraded)
Renshiki/Gold 1st
Akuma 2nd move (increased from 3.5 to 5.5 seconds)
Vine 2nd move
Raion Ren/Sen/Azure 2nd move (move reverted to normal prime state)

(Dodges/Counters Allowed in Mid Combo) (GCD2)
Body Replacement Subjutsu technique (Range increased, Duration increased, place on GCD 2)

(Breakaway) (GCD9)
>Bankai Inferno 1st move
>Riser Inferno 1st move
>Vanishing Image Subjutsu technique
>Kamaki/Amethyst 2nd move

(Iframe Attack) (Not Allowed Mid Combo) (GCD12)
(not the full list of moves)
Sengoku/Inferno 1st move
Raion Style: Rengoku Inferno Spirit Blade
Riser Akuma 1st move
Morbius 2nd move
Jokei 3rd
Arahaki Jokei 3rd
Narumaki Six Path 3rd move
Glacier 2nd move
Pika 2nd move (Damage increased, flight speed reduce for control, hitbox size increase)
Satori Akuma 1st
Raion Gaiden 2nd

(Redesigned Autododges)
Satori Akuma 1st move (No longer an autododge move, a close-range move similar to Jokei's 128 palms)
Riser Akuma 1st move (removed from auto dodge gcd added to GCD 12 iframe GCD) (this is an iframe attack that tps back to a location similar to Sengoku 1st and Raion Style: Rengoku Inferno Spirit Blade) (iframe frame reduced)

Morbius 2nd move (moved from GCD 4 to GCD 12, counted as iframe attack)
Reality Talk removed from GCD 2 (iframes reduce from 6 to 1) (troll move)
Hurricane Fist Flight Speed reduced


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