100 AMAZING Minecraft Building Ideas [2023]
Are you new to the game and struggling to come up with Minecraft Building Ideas that seem fun? Well then, you’ll be glad to know that this game can facilitate an endless torrent of creativity and imagination, as long as you’re willing to put in the time and effort. Keep in mind these ideas are also for beginners, and easy to follow, so don’t worry too much.
Key Takeaways
- In Minecraft, the main thing to do is to make a base and protect yourself and your items from danger so you can progress further in the game.
- Fortunately, Minecraft has a mechanic to build whatever you want however you like. It brings out the creativity of players.
- We have compiled a list of ideas that you can try out to make your world better and make the experience more fun, you just need to farm enough materials to make some of the Best Buildings.
- The list consists of many basic but unique-looking bases, but it also has many complex and larger houses to build if you’re feeling more creative.
- This also gives you more options to build more bases in different parts of your world and also if you have friends in your world, you can make much larger bases such as Mansions.
Best Minecraft Building Ideas

Now there are two main modes through which players can play the game and create amazing structures in their worlds.
The first of these is an idea for survival mode, in which you will have to contend with all manner of hostile monsters, a hunger meter, and a health bar. Survival mode is more suited to small Minecraft Building Ideas. This is not the approach for extremely large creations that might take tens of thousands of different blocks, although I will admit that the sense of satisfaction you get here is nothing like what you’ll find in the other mode.
Creative mode is essentially God mode in the game. Players take no damage of any kind, they can fly and they even have access to an unlimited amount of every block in the game. So take a moment to think about what you want to create, and then decide accordingly which mode you want to play in.
1. Treehouse

Required Materials:
- Spruce Stairs, Slabs, and Trapdoors.
- Dark Oak and Oak Log, Stairs, Slabs, and Trapdoors
- Wood.
- Glass Pane.
Without a doubt, the first addition to this list has to be the Treehouse. This extremely charming yet tricky build is likely to be one of the first major challenges faced by new builders in Minecraft. They have to create a platform in the trees with their base on the top of it, and maybe not fall to their deaths in the process.
To start with, you first have to actually climb the tree in order to clear out some space for your Treehouse. So craft some ladders, and start by placing the first one on the base of the trunk. From here, keep climbing and placing the ladders as you go up the tree until you reach the top.
When sufficient space is available, start by placing a layer of planks to create a foundation. Not only will this allow you to move more freely in the treetops, it will also act as a basis for the rest of your home. Now erect walls, doors, and whatever else you require for your perfect Treehouse.
2. Cliffside House

Required Materials:
- Spruce Slabs, Stairs, and Trapdoor.
- Oak Log.
Building a house from scratch can be a difficult job, especially if you want to make more than a simple room with space for a bed and some workbenches. And sometimes you simply don’t want to go through the effort of collecting wood and making stone blocks for the construction.
And yes, it is really that easy. All you have to do is grab a pickaxe, and start hollowing out any hill that seems large enough to suit your build. You don’t have to collect any additional resources this way, and anything you do require will be supplied by the natural formation itself.
You can also spruce up the interior of the house with materials like Stone Bricks, Quartz, or even regular Wood Planks to give the house a unique look and feel. It all depends on how much work you want to put into it.
3. Pool House

Required Materials:
- Smooth Quartz, Stairs, and Slabs.
- Quartz Pillar.
- Dead Fire Coral Block.
- Glass.
Sometimes all it takes for a house to look unique and different in Minecraft is an attachment that makes it feel cozier. And there’s nothing more appealing for newcomers trying out Minecraft than a swimming pool. All this requires is an area of land next to your base, as well as some simple materials.
Players simply have to grab a shovel and start digging down into the dirt, making sure to excavate at least one extra block in each direction to account for the pool boundary and walls. Once the ground has been hollowed out, you can lay down something bright and eye-catching, like Blocks of Quartz as the foundation.
4. Underground Base

Required Materials:
- Spruce Slabs, Stairs, and Trapdoors.
- Oak and Dark Oak Logs, Stairs, and Slabs.
- Glass Pane.
Underground bases have the potential to be some of the coolest structures that you can ever build in Minecraft, if you know what you’re doing. Like Cliffside Houses, these also potentially benefit from having to be dug out of the ground, rather than be built from scratch using foundations or walls.
Now to build one of these, you first have to hollow out a significant portion of the ground using Shovels. If you want to save some time and effort, you can also use Dynamite to make large craters instantly, but that does come with some risk. After a hole with your desired dimensions has been dug out, you can then optionally begin layering the blocks with which you’d like to make your floors, walls, and ceilings.
If you’d like, you can optionally hide the entrance of your underground base as well. Secret doors or tunnels operated with Pistons go a long way in enhancing the ‘Cool’ factor of your subterranean home, but they do require an informed knowledge of the Redstone system.
5. Secret Waterfall Base

Required Materials:
- Spruce Logs and Slabs.
- Leaves.
- Buckets.
- Glass Pane.
Live out your ultimate Batman fantasy by building the entrance to your secret base directly behind a Waterfall. Not only will this look really cool, but it will also act as the perfect camouflage against any other players in a competitive multiplayer scenario.
The way to build one of these is really simple, but the first step is actually finding a Waterfall somewhere out in your world. Or you could also climb up to the top of your chosen hill and simply let the water flow somewhere near the edge to create your Waterfall. Once that’s done, start digging in the cliffside behind the water and hollow out as much space as you require.
What’s great about a Waterfall base is that you don’t necessarily have to build the entrance at ground level either. The game allows you to vertically travel up streams of water, so you can even have your entrance at the top of the Waterfall and simply swim up to it whenever you like.
6. Farmhouse

Required Materials:
- Spruce Planks, Slabs, Stairs, Fence, and Trapdoors.
- Stripped Spruce Log.
- Dark Oak Log.
- Stone Brick Wall.
Every single one of your Minecraft house Ideas does not have to revolve around a cool-looking base or a unique quirk. Instead, how about creating a homey little Farmhouse where you can keep all of your tamed animals close to yourself in one building?
So to begin, make sure that you lay out a basic blueprint for the type of Farmhouse that you want to create. Build the horse stables and the sheep and cow pens first, and then move on to the actual house for yourself later. Because you want to ensure that your animals are already in place when you start working on the larger structure.
7. Stilt House
Required Materials:
- Spruce Logs, Slabs, and Trapdoors.
- Concrete.
- Glass Pane.
The process of constructing this first requires you to build support beams. These don’t have to reach the bottom of the lake/river floor, but aesthetically they look much better than a house simply floating on the water. From here, build these supports up above the water to the level you want, and then construct a foundation for your rooms.
Now build your house regularly on top of this, making sure to also construct a bridge that takes you to and from the building. You don’t want to go for a swim every single time you have to return to your base to sleep.
8. Underwater House

Required Materials:
- Glass.
- Glowstone.
- Oak Logs and planks.
- Spruce Slabs and Stairs.
Now we’ve reached the point on our list where the cool Minecraft ideas also start getting more challenging. And nothing screams challenge louder than building a base under the ocean while trying to stop yourself from downing.
To start with, you’ll want to get a hold of some potions for Water Breathing. These will allow you to stay underwater for an extended period of time, during which you can actually work on your base without fear of being killed. All you have to do now is go underwater and start putting down the foundations of your base.
Now build it out like any other structure you would construct on the ground, but with a lot more sources of light since it’s so dark. You can’t use Torches underwater, so Glowstones is a really good alternative.
Once the base has been constructed to your liking, go inside and drain out all of the water inside. You can simply place any other blocks all over the structure to eliminate the water source blocks. Or you can use a Sponge, which is designed to soak up all water within its vicinity.
9. Small Town

Required Materials:
- Stone.
- Spruce Wood, Slabs.
- Oak Log.
To begin this project, you first have to construct a number of different homes and other buildings that you might find in a settlement. Put in some farmhouses, a town hall, some taverns or even a castle keep. Basically, anything that seems like it belongs in a town, you can easily squeeze in here.
And this could take a lot of time depending on the scale of your build, so you might want to get some friends involved in the construction process. Hey, you can even ask all of them to create their own personal residences inside the boundary wall and then you can all play together going forward. If you don’t intend to play with other players, you can alternatively choose to populate your town with Villager NPCs instead.
10. Giant Tree House

Required Materials:
- Oak Wood, logs, planks.
- Leaves.
The process is honestly not as complicated as it sounds, but it is extremely time intensive. Players will have to construct the giant tree by using regular wood to create its entire structure and then layer out the top with Leaf blocks. And as anyone who’s played this game can attest, collecting leaves outside of creative mode is an incredibly tedious task.
And while you’re laying out the blocks for this giant tree, you have to make sure that you leave enough space inside for your actual house. You most likely will not be able to have a single wide floor, but you can instead opt for multiple smaller floors that are connected together with stairs and ladders.
11. Hanging House

Required Materials:
- Oak Planks and Stairs.
- Stripped Oak and Stripped Dark Oak.
- Stone.
- Spruce Stairs, Slabs, and Trapdoors.
The first thing you require for this base is a mountain biome, so go search for it until you find one in your world. Here you can find a number of different snowy peaks, any of which can potentially serve as your home.
Once you’ve chosen the peak you’re going to use, create a platform from its side that will act as the anchor point. This can be at the top of the mountain, or in the middle, it doesn’t matter. Simply pick what height you’d like to live at.
Now using this anchor point, start building your Hanging House step by step. Lay out a foundation, erect the walls, and go with whatever design suits you. It is better if you go with wooden materials here because you do not want a stone house to blend in with the surrounding mountains.
12. Floating Island Base

Required Materials:
- Stone and Grass Block.
- Quartz.
- Spruce and Oak Slabs, Stairs, and Trapdoors.
- Oak slabs, fence, planks.
To start work on this structure, you first require a starting point. This can only be gotten by building a line of blocks straight up from the ground until you reach the height you desire. Once the foundation is placed, all other blocks leading up to it can be broken. Now you can continue the build by laying down a flat layer of blocks and using it as a basis for the rest of your island.
You can create multiple small islands or one large one, it all depends on you. All that matters is that you give yourself quick access to the ground with the waterfall and that you lay down fences to keep yourself from falling off accidentally. And that’s about all it takes. Use your imagination and create the type of Floating Island Base that you’d want to live on.
13. Apartment Complex

Required Material:
- Quartz.
- Bricks.
- Grey and Light Grey Concrete.
Are you looking forward to sharing a Minecraft world with your friends? Then instead of each player creating their own home, why not instead opt for a shared space? Build an apartment complex that has a room in it for each of your friends, and then you can all live together and build together.
The construction process for this is pretty simple. Simply start off by making a small room on what is to be the ground floor, and then replicate that as many times as you require. Also, remember to add a partition with hallways and staircases to give access to each room in the building.
14. Pyramid House

Required Materials:
- Sandstones.
- Quartz Stairs.
- Glass Pane.
Here’s another entry on the list of cool Minecraft Building ideas for you to try out. How about instead of a regular home, you try and build a pyramid with multiple different floors? Not only will this look really nice, but it also has the added benefit of being incredibly easy to actually construct. All you require for this build is your material of choice and some time. If you’re going for more of an authentic look, you can opt to use Sandstone.
Simply lay down a square foundation on your chosen plot of land, and start building up layer by layer. You have to keep moving inwards by a block with each progressive layer, which will also cause the floors of the building to get smaller as you move upwards.
15. Boat House

Required Materials:
- Spruce Slabs and Stairs.
- Oak Logs.
- Cobblestones.
We’ve previously talked about homes built under the water and over the water, but what about a house that rests directly on it instead? With a boat house that’s exactly what you get, but don’t expect this structure to actually move like a real boat. To construct this, all you have to do is pick a nice little pool of water and then establish an anchor point. You can get this by building up from the bottom of the body of water, or by extending a straight line from the nearest coast.
Once that’s done, use this anchor point to lay out a ship-like pattern as a foundation. This can be as big or as small as you like. From here, build up the sides of the boat, make a mast, and then leave enough space for a deck. If your ship is really big, you can use the bottom deck as your living space, or otherwise, the area reserved for the captain’s cabin can serve as a small but appropriate home as well.
16. Aquarium House

Required Materials:
- Spruce Planks, Trapdoors, Stairs, and Signs.
- Quartz Slabs and Stairs.
- Sea Lanterns And Iron Bars.
- White Concrete.
An aquarium house is one of the most visually appealing buildings that players can build, and they have a lot of flexibility in how to go about doing this. It’s essentially a regular home with fish tanks as walls, so if you know how to build any regular house, then you should be okay here. Basically, go ahead and construct a nice little building for yourself and leave at least three blocks worth of space for your aquarium walls.
Now place glass blocks to construct the outer layers of the walls, and then leave the middle space empty for fish, plants, and water. Speaking of which, you will have to use creative mode to actually add the fish and plants inside this aquarium, because you cannot transport them inside otherwise.
17. Small Castle

Required Materials:
- Cobblestone.
- Birch planks.
- Stone Brick, Stone Brick Stairs, Stone Brick Slabs.
- Spruce and Dark Oak Log and Slabs.
- Iron Bars.
Instead of a regular house, why not build a castle out of stone blocks instead? You can put in a nice little moat, a gate, and even some ramparts from which you can observe your surroundings. It’s a castle, your design choices are only limited by your imagination.
This build itself is not really complicated, but you may have to spend a long time cooking cobblestone in Furnaces in order to actually craft Bricks. So grab a pickaxe and get to work mining, because it will take a long to gather the required coal and stone blocks.
18. Island House

Required Materials:
- Oak Slab, Planks, Stairs, Log, Fence, Fence Gate, Door, and Trapdoor.
- Spruce Stairs, Planks, Door, and Trapdoor.
- Stone Bricks, Walls, and Stairs.
Go out into your game world and pick any isolated island that strikes your fancy. If you feel that it’s an appropriate distance away from the shore and that you won’t get tired of constantly traveling to it, then put down some roots there. All you have to do for this build is flatten out the island, lay down a foundation, and start constructing a house.
If you’re okay with having to swim back to the shore every time you leave the house, then you can stop at this point. But if you find this to be too tedious, then you can either construct a bridge to the mainland or put a dock next to the house. Boats are extremely easy to craft, and they can help you travel across the water quickly.
19. Japanese House

Required Materials:
- Spruce Logs, Planks, Stairs, Slabs, and Trapdoors.
- Cobblestone, stairs, slabs, and walls.
- Prismarine.
- Stone, Stone Slab, and Stone Button.
Traditional Japanese homes are basically regular houses, but with slightly more elaborate aesthetics. They have sliding doors in place of regular doors, and their roofs are a bit more curved and colorful than traditional western buildings.
They’re also pretty simple to make, you simply use a lot of different types of wood in the construction process and leave out stone and quartz blocks as much as possible. To make the surroundings of the home also look more traditional, you can opt to construct the building near some sand and plant a lot of bamboo nearby.
20. Bridge Home

Required Materials:
- Stripped Dark Oak Log.
- Dark Oak Fence, Slab, Stairs, and Planks.
- Oak Stairs, Slabs, and Trapdoors.
- Stone Bricks, Walls, and Stairs.
- Cobblestone.
- Bricks.
- Spruce stairs, slabs, trapdoors, and planks.
Now this entry on our list would go into the Small Minecraft Building Ideas category. And as the name implies, it is literally a house built on a bridge. To begin the construction process, find an area that would be perfect for a bridge. Simply look for any stretch of land with a gap in between, it doesn’t necessarily have to be on top of the water.
Now start by building an anchor point and constructing either a wooden or stone bridge, making sure to leave enough space in the middle to build a home. Now treat this space like any stretch of dirt in the world, and start making the house you want on top.
21. Lighthouse

Required Materials:
- Stone Bricks, Stairs, and Slabs.
- Cobblestone.
- Glowstone.
- White Concrete and Red Concrete.
A lighthouse is an incredibly easy build for almost anyone, and on top of that, it simply looks really cool. You can technically build it anywhere you want on the map, but a beach or other coastal areas are more thematically appropriate. But whichever location you choose, the construction process should be pretty straightforward.
To begin, flatten out the land and put down a foundation that should not exceed a grid of 12×12 blocks. You can go bigger if you want, but then your lighthouse will look too thick after that point. Now start building upwards, making sure to leave at least 8 vertical blocks of space for each floor. Put in as many levels as you want, but at the absolute top, you have to place a bunch of Glowstone as a light source.
22. Japanese Pagoda

Required Materials:
- Stripped Dark Oak Log, Stripped Oak Log, and Stripped Birch Log.
- Coral Block and Spruce Slabs and Stairs.
- Oak Logs, Planks.
- Cobblestone.
A Japanese Pagoda is a multi-tiered tower that is as beautiful as it is complex. This is not something that anyone can attempt to build without at least a basic understanding of Japanese architecture. But either way, I can think of a few other buildings on this list that will be more rewarding to build.
I cannot properly explain how to build this structure, apart from instructing you to use Creative mode if you value your time. This is one of those things that truly require a detailed step-by-guide, which you can find over on the channel of YouTuber SheepGG.
23. Skyscraper

Required Materials:
- White Concrete.
- Cyan Terracotta.
- Glass.
- Smooth Stone Slabs.
A Skyscraper is indeed an impressive building to construct, but it also happens to be one of the more straightforward giant constructs on this list. To start with, all you have to do is make a massive square foundation and start building straight up from the four corners. Once this outline has been built, you can divide the building into floors and design its exterior to suit your liking.
One of the downsides of a structure this big is that unless you spend days populating its interior with rooms and furniture, it will look pretty lifeless. This is not something you want to build for actually living in, but more for the atmosphere it brings to your world.
24. Windmill

Required Materials:
- Spruce Log, Slabs, and Planks.
- Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone.
- Grass Block.
- White Wool and White Concrete.
Are you looking to give your world a more rustic feel, or do you simply want to add a thematically appropriate building to your farm? Then what you require is a Windmill, which can serve as both a home and a simple decoration. The process of constructing this is fairly simple.
First, you start building a simple tower with wood and stone but don’t make it too thick. The upper section of the structure has to be even narrower than the bottom half, and you’re going to put an anchor point somewhere near the middle. From this point, you’ll start constructing the outer edge of the blades with wood and then fill the rest of it up with white wool to make it look authentic.
25. Nether Sword Portal

Required Materials:
- Obsidian.
- Deep slate Tiles, Stairs, Walls, And Slabs.
- Crimson Stairs, Slab, Trapdoor, And Fence.
- Block Of Amethyst, and Amethyst Cluster.
When you think of a Nether Portal in Minecraft, the first image that your mind conjures up is probably a basic rectangular gateway. It’s the simplest and the easiest shape to give to a starter portal, and most players probably never change this design going forward. But your Nether Portals don’t have to look boring, they can be awe-inspiring if you put in some effort.
So to craft something like a Nether Sword Portal, you have to understand that the core layout of the structure has to be at least 4×5 and made of Obsidian blocks. You can exceed this size by however much you want, and you can also place other blocks on top of the structure as long as they don’t interfere with the space of the portal’s purple light.
26. Nether Base

Required Materials:
- Polished Black Stones.
- Nether Bricks.
- Warped Blocks.
- Polished Basalt, Obsidian, Shroomlight, and Iron Bars.
If you’ve been playing Minecraft for a while, sometimes it helps to spice things up a bit. Why build your next base in the Overworld again, when you can opt to build it in the burning pits of the Nether? And to start, you’ll first have to actually get to the dimension through an actual portal.
Once you’re through, go ahead and pick a spot away from any Fortress and get ready to build your new home. You can literally build anything you want here, but a castle, like the one seen in the image above, fits the theme much more than a wooden house would. Also, make sure to keep the portal in close proximity to your new base, because you’ll want to travel back occasionally for supplies.
27. Mansion

Required Materials:
- Oak Logs and Trapdoors.
- Spruce Planks, Stairs, Slabs, Trapdoors, and Fences.
- Dark Oak Fences and Fence Gates.
- Stone Bricks.
- Cobblestone.
If you’re feeling a bit fancy, a large multi-storied mansion is a great new project to get involved in. It’s essentially a large home, with multiple different wings that can be used for different purposes like a library, art room, and even an armory. This is one of the simpler entries on our cool Minecraft building ideas list.
To begin this build, secure a large piece of land and start laying down the foundations with stone bricks. Count the dimensions, and divide each wing right at the initial planning stage so that you don’t easily lose track of them. Now construct the walls, add in a few towers, and maybe even go ahead and put in some fountains and some plants for the garden.
28. Fountain

Required Materials:
- Stone Bricks.
- Smooth Stone.
- Sea Lantern.
Speaking of fountains, it’s never a bad idea to have the knowledge to build one of these. Not only are they extremely pleasant to look at, but constructing one of them is an instant way of adding a lot of style and appeal to an otherwise boring looking home. For this process, you require a type of block that you think will work well in a fountain. Stone bricks will look really nice, but so will the pure white blocks of Quartz.
Whatever you choose, use them to construct a symmetrical pattern on the ground to collect the water, and then build two layers of basins in the exact middle. Once the build looks competent enough, take one bucket of water and use it at the top of the basin to let it flow downwards.
29. Library

Required Materials:
- Spruce Logs, Planks, Stairs, and Slabs.
- Oak Logs, Trapdoors, and Stairs.
- Smooth stone.
- Bookshelves.
Whether it’s constructed as part of an already existing house or as a standalone building, a Library works well either way. It doesn’t actually serve a purpose apart from looking great, because most books aren’t actually readable. But you can use the Bookshelves within them for enchanting purposes.
You can also use a library as a storage spot for your enchanted books, by putting them in storage chests inside the building. And while you’re at it, consider putting in some paintings as well. This is one of the small Minecraft-building ideas on our list.
30. Fishing Dock

Required Materials:
- Oak Logs, Fence Gates, and Slabs.
- Spruce Slabs, Trapdoors, Logs, and Fence Posts.
- Campfire Blocks.
We’ve previously talked about docks on this Minecraft Building Ideas list as part of other structures, but they can also work on their own. A dock can serve as both a literal storage space for your boats, as well as a spot for you to simply relax and catch fish.
All you require for this build are your wood blocks of choice and an area of land next to the water. From here you can start building out a dock simply by placing wood planks out towards the water and adding supports underneath them. You don’t actually require the support beams, but they do make the design look a lot more realistic.
31. Automated Farms

Required Materials:
- Mossy Stone Bricks, Stairs, and Walls.
- Mossy Cobblestone.
- Spruce Slab, Stairs, and Trapdoors.
- Podzol.
Farming is one of the most convenient sources of food in the game, and as such most players will gravitate toward it automatically as they play. But having to manage a farm by yourself can be a bit tedious, with planting and harvesting taking up a lot of time. So why not automate the process instead?
All grown crops in the game automatically get harvested and washed away anytime they interact with flowing water. So by building a system where a lever-controlled piston lets water flow through a farm via a well, players can instantly harvest all of their crops in an instant. This is extremely efficient, and it will save you a lot of time.
32. Stable

Required Materials:
- Oak Log, Trapdoors, and Sign.
- Spruce Stairs, Slabs, and Trapdoors.
- Dark oak slab, fence gate, and button.
- Stone Bricks.
Horses and Llamas are non-hostile mobs in the game that can be tamed and used as mounts and portable storage containers respectively. Once you have tamed these mobs, you’re required a place to house them.
Sure you can simply build a fence on an open piece of land and let them loose, but why not go for a proper Stable instead? It lets you give each animal its own room, and building the structure is as simple as constructing a barn and carving out individual stalls.
33. Water Wheel

Required Materials:
- Spruce Planks, Trapdoors, Stairs, and Fence.
- Stone Brick, Slabs, and Stairs.
- Prismarine.
- Bone Block.
The Water Wheel is another cool Minecraft building idea that doesn’t serve an actual function by itself, but it does enhance the ambiance of its surroundings. It’s technically also a space that you can live inside if you want.
Now as the name implies, Water Wheels should be built near a river or other similar bodies of water. And as for the construction process, all you basically have to do is construct a nice-looking structure, and connect a wooden wheel to it on the side that has the water. The wheel itself can be completed separately and then connected to the rest of the building with a few blocks.
34. Modern House
Required Materials:
- Cobblestone Wall and Stone stairs.
- White Concrete.
- Jungle Wood Plank.
- Black Concrete.
- Light Blue Glass Pane.
In following the trend of a lot of Modern Houses, consider sacrificing the rustic feel of stone and wood for a sleeker look. Try using a lot of Quartz as the main material for the house. Also, instead of trying to add a lot of tiny details to its exterior, simply go for smooth surfaces and hard edges.
Think in terms of what most people consider to be Modern designs, and model your furniture and interior with the same aesthetics. Minecraft actually gives you an edge in regards to this, since most of the blocks in the game are already blocky and rigid.
35. Beach House
Required Materials:
- Oak Log, wood, planks, stairs, slabs, doors, and trapdoors.
- Cobblestone and Stairs.
We’ve already explored a number of different waterfront homes on this list of cool Minecraft building ideas, but now it’s time for the original beach house. And as the name suggests, this is a simple home built right next to the water. The distinction here is that a Beach House does not actually touch the water, whereas earlier entries did.
To begin this construction process, pick out a nice piece of land that is at least 8 blocks away from the water. Then use wood blocks to construct a little house, with a terrace that overlooks the sea and no gates or barriers of any kind. You want to feel like the beach and water are always accessible.
36. Desert House
Required Materials:
- Smooth Sandstone, Blocks, Stairs, and Slab.
- Spruce Slabs, Planks, and Stairs.
If the beach doesn’t work for you, how about making a house in the Desert instead? There’s a lot of sand and cactuses around, but water does become hard to come by. Still, it’s a unique type of environment that most players wouldn’t usually consider creating a house in.
And because there is so much sand around, you can easily craft a bunch of Sandstone blocks for the construction process. Not only does the white color of the block allow your home to seamlessly blend into the surroundings, it also has the added benefit of looking really nice.
37. Swamp House
- Spruce log, planks, stairs, slabs, and door.
- Oak Stairs and Trap Doors.
- Cobblestone, stairs, and walls.
The Swamp is another unique biome that most players will probably ignore. But it’s yet another place that will benefit from the Stilt house mentioned earlier in this list. All you actually have to do is put a house on some platforms to keep it on top of the water, and you’re done.
Due to the abundance of Oak trees and vines, players can decorate their houses to match their surroundings easily. Also, the water level in Swamps is never high enough that you actually require a boat to traverse the location, so that’s either a negative or positive trait depending on how you feel about boats.
38. Greenhouse
Required Materials:
- Spruce Planks, Slabs, and Stairs.
- Glass Panes.
While playing in Survival mode, players often require different plants for a number of different things like creating Dyes or even Potions. And while you could technically store these plants in chests, why would you not want to build a Greenhouse instead?
All you have to do is construct a simple one-story building with a lot of glass blocks. This isn’t actually necessary for the plants you’ll put inside, but it makes the structure look appropriate. Once the construction is done, put in a lot of Flower Pots. You can now put any plants you might require inside these.
39. Wizard Tower
Required Materials:
- Stone and Stone Bricks, Stairs, and Walls.
- Cobblestone and Bricks.
- Mossy Cobblestone.
- Spruce Logs, Planks, and Stairs.
- White Terracotta.
Are you tired of making boring old houses that all look the same? Well, then you should start thinking about creating your own Wizard Tower, complete with all the quirks that come with it. And to start with, you first have to find yourself a nice little hill that has a good view.
Once you find this, you can level out the area on top and start creating the foundations for your tower. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you want, but it should optimally be made out of Stone bricks. You can decorate the exterior and roof however you want, and to make it even more theme-appropriate, you should use the whole building as your personal Alchemy lab with a Brewing Stand.
40. Koi Pond
Required Materials:
- Stripped Oak and Oak Wood/Logs.
- Acacia Planks.
- Glowstone, Sand, and Grass Block.
I must admit, the title of this entry is a bit misleading. There are technically no Koi fish in the game, but that doesn’t mean you can’t build a nice pool of water and fill it with some colorful fish. And besides, who’s gonna be able to tell the difference unless they’re standing right on top of the pond?
To start the construction process, all you have to do is dig a nice hole and layer the bottom level with some Sand. Then fill it up with water, and populate the space with a variety of fish, lily pads, and other decorations. Also, it should be noted that it’s better to use Creative mode for spawning fish and other flora.
41. Kitchen
Required Materials:
- Grey Concrete, Orange Concrete, and Andesite.
- Bone Block.
A nice little kitchen space will go a long way in improving the atmosphere of a home. And if it also happens to be well organized, you can get your food prepared quickly and efficiently. A kitchen design can easily be added to an existing house, especially if there already happens to be space available.
All you require for a functioning kitchen is a few furnaces and some storage chests for raw ingredients and fuel for the fire. You can also create your gardens and animal pens right outside the kitchen door if you want quick access to raw materials. Anything else you wish to add like tables and chairs only serves to enhance the appearance of the room.
42. Storage Den
Required Materials:
- Oak Planks.
- Dark Oak Planks and Stairs.
- Lanterns.
- Chests.
As you progress further and further in the game with Survival mode, you’ll accumulate a lot of different resources and blocks. Properly storing and categorizing them will take a lot of effort, but in the long run, this saves you from having to waste time when you have to find that one specific item. So a Storage Den always comes in handy.
This is essentially a small shack that is built to house all of your storage chests. You can craft the walls and floor to specifically fit these chests, and you can even put signs in front of each container to designate what they have. Build yourself a Storage Den if you value your time.
43. Forge
Required Materials:
- Birch Slabs and Stairs.
- Stone Bricks and Polished Andesite.
- Chests.
Crafting better and higher quality weapons and armor is an integral part of the entire Survival experience. So with this entry on our ideas list, we’ll talk about the Forge. This should be a dedicated space in your base where all of your gear craftings is done. It doesn’t have to look particularly good, but it always feels good to have a nice workshop anyway.
You also don’t have to construct a full building for this, you can simply create an extension from your current home. And here you can place all of your raw ores, furnaces, Crafting Tables, and even a Smithing Table.
44. Armory
Required Materials:
- Oak Wood.
- Spruce Wood Planks.
- Stone Bricks and Stone Slab.
- Grass Blocks.
So what do you do with all of the armor and weapons you craft in your Forge? Well, you can always put them in storage chests where they’ll be completely hidden from view, or you can display them proudly in your personal Armory.
This room or building doesn’t have to be anything fancy, it simply has to be an area that has enough space for a bunch of Armor Stands and Item Frames. These can be used to display your gear for everyone to see, and it simply looks great from a decoration standpoint.
45. Alchemy Lab
Required Materials:
- Oak Log and Wood.
- Spruce Slab and Planks.
- Cobblestone.
- Bricks.
Every alchemist requires their own personal lab, where they can experiment with ingredients and brew potions to their heart’s content. And for exactly that reason, this current entry will explore the uses of an Alchemy Lab. Once again, this can be a standalone structure or a simple room designated for the purposes of Brewing.
Either way, the most important piece of this lab is the Brewing Stand, without which potions cannot be made. After that, you can populate the room with a bunch of Flower Pots containing useful plants and mushrooms, as well as chests containing monster parts and glass bottles.
46. Enchanting Room
Required Materials:
- Oak Logs, Planks, Slabs, and Stairs.
- Bookshelves.
- Enchantment Table.
- Item frames.
After you craft your weapons in the Forge, you’re gonna want to enhance their properties by buffing them with powerful effects. And the easiest way to do exactly that is through the use of an Enchanting Table that is surrounded by Bookshelves. Simply put, you should have an Enchanting Room.
The whole construction process is extremely simple, all you require is a small room with at least 5×5 space to accommodate your enchanting setup. Because in order to get more powerful buffs, the enchanting Table itself has to be surrounded by Bookshelf blocks. And the more space you can give the setup, the better.
47. Gatehouse
Required Materials:
- Spruce Stairs and Planks.
- Oak Planks.
- Cobblestone.
- White Concrete.
Bigger structures like Castles and Mansions are definitely cool to look at, but one of the best ways to improve their scale and grandeur is to also build a Gate House that leads to them. This structure acts as an impressive entrance, but it can also serve as a watchtower when required.
Players simply have to erect a building that spans both sides of an entrance pathway and add a gate in between. You can completely skip the gate part if you don’t have an understanding of how the circuitry works in Minecraft.
48. Town Hall
Required Materials:
- Spruce Log and Stairs.
- Concrete.
- Stone Bricks.
If you’re playing the game with a bunch of friends and sharing a world together, then one small Minecraft building idea you should try out is the Town Hall. As the name suggests, this can be a communal area where all the different players can come together to talk and hang out.
And since this is more of a tavern-style hall, you don’t have to build some grand structure either. You simply erect a medium-sized wooden house and make it look homey. Put a big table in the middle of the hall, and spread out some chairs all around. Maybe start a fire in a fireplace to give the whole area a more cozy feeling, and you’re basically all done.
49. Watchtower
Required Materials:
- Stone Bricks Walls and Stairs.
- Oak Slab, Stairs, and Trapdoors.
- Dark Oak Planks, Stairs, and Slabs.
- Cobblestone, Stone, and Andesite.
Why settle for a makeshift Watchtower when you can actually build a proper one for yourself? There’s nothing too complicated about this structure, it’s basically a tall tower that provides a greater field of vision than what is possible from ground level.
You don’t even have to make it out of stone or any other fancy materials, simply grab some wood from any nearby trees and start working. A Watchtower is fine by itself as a visual spectacle, but it also comes in handy during multiplayer games since you can spot other players from much further away.
50. Mine Entrance
Required Materials:
- Oak Log, Stairs, and Slabs.
- Cobblestone and Stairs.
- Rail.
With our last entry on this cool Minecraft building ideas list, I would like to talk about Mine Entrances. These are best described as elaborate entrances for any hole in the world where you would go to mine resources for your projects. Because why not? If you’re going to be spending most of your time in a game doing a particular activity, why shouldn’t the scenery at least look nice?
You simply walk up to a Mine entrance you constantly visit in your world and make a nice little entrance for it with Wood blocks and planks. Add a few lanterns here and there, maybe some support beams inside, and you’re done.
51. Mine Railway

Required Materials:
- Spruce Stripped Logs, Trapdoors, and Stairs.
- Rail.
- Redstone.
Build a railway track inside a mine that goes down. We recommend doing it in a mine where you can farm some of the most essential resources so that you go down there often. Just build it in a cool zig-zag pattern, and it will be a fun ride down in a cart every time.
It will work as a roller coaster of sorts. The thrills it provides are similar to the mine cart ride sequence in Resident Evil 4. You should definitely try this as it is easily one of the best Minecraft building ideas. It is possibly the most fun way to decent into a mine that we can think of.
52. A Magical Library

Required Materials:
- Oak Slabs, Planks, Stairs, and Trapdoors
- Concrete.
Build a library that you and the villagers will hang out in but do not make a generic one go crazy here. Use chains to hang some of the bookshelves up in the sky, Do cool placements for furniture and shelves. Make it mystical and unique instead of a generic, run-of-the-mill library.
Furthermore, think of something out of Harry Potter. Place some plants in specific spots to make the library look extra appealing and beautiful. The library might feel cluttered, but it will also feel unique and mystical.
Placing plants will also add to the magical vibe of the place. Also, customize everything around it to match the aesthetic. Go outside and put some vibrant, eye-catching plants as well.
53. Villager Houses & Tents

Required Materials:
- Oak Logs, Slabs, and Stairs.
- Cobblestone.
Go outside your main hub area. Walk a bit and start making tents or small houses for villagers. It will add a lot to the environmental storytelling and will also make your home look like many others surrounding it. Place locale-appropriate plants on the outside of the houses and alongside.
Some examples of these would be cactuses or palm trees for deserts. Other than the plants, you can also make a small pen for animals if you have some extra time to kill. These houses will make your world seem way more lively than it initially does.
54. A Play Theatre

Required Materials:
- Oak Slabs, Planks, and Stairs.
- Red Carpet.
- Cobblestone.
Since you can’t watch TV during the game, having a theatre will be the next best thing. We recommend that you build it in the market area of your city or somewhere in the central section. Being in the center will suit a theatre more and make it appealing.
Moreover, people loved watching plays way back then, and they are still loved by a broad audience around the globe. A lot of actors learn proper acting by performing plays at theatres. It will add to the vibe of your world if you make it feel like it is a mix of multiple time periods.
We recommend you build a modest-sized theatre and not overdo it; it is up to you if you want a larger one. Once it is built, assign somebody to it, so it feels alive, and you can also place a bunch of chairs if you want to. Or you can just go ham and build a majestic awesome-looking theatre.
55. Butcher Shop

Required Materials:
- Oak Logs, Planks, and Slabs.
- Cobblestone.
Near the market, make a butcher shop. It will be a great Minecraft-building idea that will add a lot to the livelihood of your world. Try to make it stand out and make it as visually appealing and straightforward as possible. You know it is a great design when someone can tell what it is after a single glimpse.
When you have built the structure, go outside, build a pen for animals, and add backdoor access to it from the building. Here you can place regular small animals, further enhancing the environmental storytelling aspect of your Minecraft world.
56. Dojo On Cliff

Required Materials:
- Spruce, Oak, and Dark Oak (Logs, Slabs, and Stairs).
- Stone Bricks.
- Concrete.
If you have a house near a cliff, then we honestly can’t think of any cooler ideas than this. Simply climb the cliff and reach a high point where you can visibly see your village and everything near it. Now go ahead and start building a dojo.
Furthermore, it will look straight out of a martial arts film and be very aesthetically pleasing. Imagine just climbing back up there and taking a look below the view would be priceless.
Besides the brilliant view and great storytelling, the dojo will also be very interesting if you love martial arts media. You will feel like Ryu or Ken from Street Fighter going up there to train.
57. Outdoor Field

Required Materials:
- Oak Log and Slabs.
- Spruce Planks and Stairs.
- Item Frames.
- Flowers.
Go outside your house and start planting crops and making fields. Place them in a specific area that does not feel out of place. If you placed the fields in the middle area or near the market they would look very off and out of place.
We suggest that you dedicate a pretty big area to the fields themselves. Go ahead and make a big farmhouse-like area where you plant various crops and food items. Whenever you come back here to collect the materials it will always look beautiful and will feel like a reward for your labor.
You can also make a beautiful pen for horses near the crops as it will only add to the outdoor fields. We recommend the horses but you can go creative here and place as many domestic animals as you want.
58. Fancy Garden

Required Materials:
- Spruce Slabs and Planks.
- Stone Bricks.
- Leaves and Flowers.
There isn’t much that is more appealing than a beautiful fancy garden that is easily located and spotted in your Minecraft world. We recommend that you pick a spot in your village center and place the garden there and make it as beautiful as possible.
You can go crazy here and make it look like something outside of a Studio Ghibli film. There is no need to worry about gaining something from here so just plant everything just for visual appeal. We recommend that you even place pots up on the walls and make a big tree in the center of the garden.
59. Damaged Structures

Required Materials:
- Dark Oak Logs.
- Chests.
- Glass Pane.
This one is purely to enhance the environmental storytelling aspect of your world; there is just so much you can do to improve it and today we suggest that you go out there and after you have reached far way from your initial place then start building small structures.
You can damage these and make it look like somebody destroyed them. It will add a lot to the world and you can also go the extra mile by even designing the place to look a bit grim from the start.
60. Flower Fields

Required Materials:
- Spruce Logs, Stairs, Slabs, and Planks.
- Oak Stairs and wood.
- Flowers.
Most of the players only plant crops and other resources that come in handy. If you are looking to build something just for visual spectacle then a beautiful flower field is one of the best options. There is a lot of variety to the flowers in the game; you can pick your favorite and start planting.
In addition, we suggest that you go a little bit away from your main village where you have built everything and build the flower fields elsewhere. You can go far away and build a beautiful castle and surround it with flower fields that match the color of the castle’s exterior.
When you run into it during exploration, it will be a beautiful, eye-catching sight. In our opinion, it is easily one of the best Minecraft building ideas, and you should try it out if you have the materials.
61. Victorian Greenhouse

Required Materials:
- Spruce Wood, Planks, Trapdoors, Fence.
- Stone blocks and wall.
- Mossy Cobblestone.
- Blue tinted glass.
We’ve already added a Greenhouse earlier on our list, but this one stands out a little more than that one. The building idea was pitched on YouTube by Goldrobin. The Greenhouse is inspired by the Victorian architectural style. It’s quite big in size and will suit large town builds very well. You can use Spruce related blocks to make the exterior of the exterior. Apart from that, make sure to use a lot of tinted glass so that an ample source of sunlight can reach inside the greenhouse.
As for the interior of the building, you can decorate it with all kinds of plants. You can even plant a bunch of different trees, plants, and flowers. In addition to that players can even use the space to plant all kinds of crops. Players can even make artificial trees as Goldrobin did in his video.
62. Giant Nether Portal

Required Materials:
- Sandstone.
- Chiseled Sandstone.
- Smooth Sandstone.
- Obsidian.
Beating Minecraft without going to the Nether is impossible. However, having bad nether spawns is quite common which pushes most of us to abandon our Nether portals and create another one elsewhere. Nevertheless, at one point you will come up with a good Nether spawn and you will use that portal throughout your playthrough. Once you find that final portal, it’s best to decorate it the best you can.
As it happens we have lined up this great Nether Portal idea by Goldrobin for you. You can use it to create a great giant portal. The design is fit for a king, it is mostly made out of Sandstones of all sorts. So be ready to collect a lot of sand blocks. Apart from that you can also further enhance the look of the portal by adding vines and leaves around the portal.
63. Magic Tower

Required Materials:
- Cobbled Deepslate.
- Deepslate Bricks.
- Chiseled Deepslate.
- Polished Deepslate.
- Warped Planks, Slabs. Trapdoor.
- Spruce Planks, Stairs, Fence.
What’s better than building a dark magical tower in the middle of a dense biome? If your main spawn point is next to a Jungle or a Dark Forest, you can easily go for this Wizard Tower which was shared by DiddiHD. Apart from its eerie look, the tower can be used as a great vantage point. You can easily get a full 360-view of the whole area by getting on top.
You will need to get some uncommon materials to get the perfect look for your Magic Tower. These include blocks like Deepslate and Warped planks. Align them with a few other blocks to build the exterior of the tower. As for the interior, you can go for a full spiral staircase that leads to an open balcony. Midway through these stairs, you can construct a few rooms to hold a bed and chests.
64. Fantasy House

Required Materials:
- Stone.
- Spruce logs, planks, stairs, slab.
- Birch planks, stairs.
- Smooth Redstone.
In addition to the Magic tower we mentioned earlier, the Fantasy House can complete your whole wizard/witch package in Minecraft. You can construct a house in the middle of any forest biome in the game. It is quite easy to build, therefore, any player who has clocked in a few hours in survival mode should feel comfortable with this project. Despite looking compact from the outside, the house (built by Minecraft Fantasy Builds) is quite spacious and cozy.
The elevated is built using stone, after that you use Spruce and Birch planks, slabs, and stairs to build most of the exterior. The exterior decor is essential since it makes the Fantasy House fit in the forest biome. Make ample use of flowers and oak leaves. When it comes to the interior you can make your style fully flow. Don’t forget to add a bunch of lanterns in and out of the Fantasy House to bring it alive at night!
65. Apocalyptic Enderman Statue

Required Materials:
- Deepslate.
- Mud.
- Pink Wool.
- Purple Concrete.
There comes a time in Minecraft when you feel like you have achieved everything. At that point, you’ll most probably take on some outrageous build ideas. One of these ideas includes the Giant Enderman Statue shared with us by Goldrobin. The huge statue can be one of the most prolific builds in your world if you manage to pull it off.
Even though the statue serves no purpose other than visuals, you could insert a few rooms inside it and turn it into your own base. With that said, the base is made purely out of Deepslate and Mud. So make sure to stock up on these two blocks before you start constructing. To give the statue an apocalyptic look, try placing some moss blocks along with trees and plants around the statue.
If you plan to create an exterior, you can convert the insides of the abdomen or the head of the statue. The area should be big enough to hold some essential Minecraft blocks including a bed, chest, armor stand, etc.
66. Marketplace

Required Materials:
- Spruce planks, slabs, fences, stairs.
- Banners.
- Item frames and chest.
As you play through your survival world in Minecraft, there will come a point where you will set up your own Villager’s hut or town. The reason behind that is to get important materials through trading. You can get all sorts of stuff like enchantments such as Mending or even Diamonds. Regardless of what your main aim is, you can opt to create a well-designed marketplace to hold all your villagers.
The Marketplace shouldn’t be that tough to build since it requires common blocks which can be derived from Spruce wood. After that make multiple sections, depending on how many Villagers you’re planning to keep. Now make sure to add their relevant workstation block so that villagers can carry out their profession and restock every day.
You can add all sorts of decorations to make the marketplace feel lively. Create makeshift benches, replace the floor with chiseled stone, or you can even create a small fountain in the middle.
67. Medieval Mansion

Required Materials:
- Stripped Spruce Log.
- Spruce Planks, slab, stairs.
- Smooth Sandstone.
- Stone bricks.
- Deepslate Tiles.
- Dark Oak Stairs, slab, fence.
Generic and modern houses can get quite boring from time to time. It’s always a welcoming change to create something inspired by the Medieval era in Minecraft. The Medieval Mansion shown above was designed by NeatCraft. It’s a huge mansion with plenty of room which means that if you’re playing on an online server then you can build this house for yourself and your friends.
Fortunately, the materials used for the build are quite easy to find in Minecraft. You can also replace most of the plank blocks with whichever source of wood is more convenient for you. Nevertheless, the required materials of this build shouldn’t bother you much, except for the part where you’ll need to farm it.
68. Simple Bridge

Required Materials:
- Spruce logs.
- Spruce planks, stairs, fence, gates, trapdoors.
- Campfires.
- Lanterns
- Deepslate tile wall.
The River biome is one of the most reoccurring areas in the Minecraft world. No matter what your map seed is, there are plenty of rivers and lakes that you’ll come across. Most of us will even have our main bases close to a river. If you’re on that same page, then you’d be fully aware of how tiresome it is to swim across the river every time you need something from the other side.
Therefore, to solve the particular inconvenience you can build a small and simple bridge. The bridge will add more flair to your base and will also make your life a lot easier. The structure of the bridge is made out of Spruce logs, whereas, for the base you will need a bunch of campfires, which can be a little tiresome. However, the final look of the simple bridge will make all your efforts seem worth it.
69. Medieval Bridge

Required Materials:
- Cobblestone.
- Stone bricks, stairs.
- Spruce wood, planks, stairs.
- Oak logs, planks, stairs, slabs, fence,
On the topic of bridges, it can also become necessary to build something on a larger scale. Or if you’re simply planning to enhance your base then you can even build a Big Medieval Bridge across two cliffs. The Medieval Bridge will also have two outposts on both ends, which can also serve as a quick safe spot while you’re planning for a journey in Minecraft.
As suggested by PjotreBuilds, make sure you first pick a valid spot that is capable of holding the Large bridge in Minecraft. With the recent Caves and Cliffs update, you can expect loads of cliffs in your world. Most of them are perfect for the Medieval Bridge build.
First off you will need to construct two tower posts on each end of the cliffs you choose. These towers can be made with Cobblestone or any other kind of stone that you like. After you’ve built the towers on both sides, you can then start working on the bridge platform itself. The base of the bridge is made mostly out of Oak and Spruce planks, slabs, stairs, fences, and logs.
70. Round Farm

Required Materials:
- Oak Logs.
- Leaves and Vines.
- Flowers.
- Stone and Stone bricks.
- Crops.
A rather easy build to aim for in Minecraft. If you happen to have a huge plain space then you can build the following farm design in your world. The aesthetic circular design will enhance the whole look of your base. On top of that, you can also add a central piece to the circular farm. Disruptive Builds decided to go for a giant tree in his tutorial. However, you can also choose to build a statue or a fountain instead.
Nevertheless, the farm itself should be quite easy to make. The only challenging bit would be to plow the field uniformly. Other than that, you can use Oak logs and leaves to build the artificial tree. Lastly, plant any crop that you need a high supply of, for example, Wheat.
71. Mine Entrance #2

Required Materials:
- Stone bricks and walls.
- Stone.
- Oak logs, fence, trapdoor.
- Campfire.
- Lanterns.
Mining is an essential part of Minecraft, everybody knows that. You cant simply progress the game without all the rare resources such as Diamond, Gold, and Iron. For that, you will need to create your own mine or use a passage to a cave. In both cases, you can choose to build an entrance to your mine to further increase your builds in the game.
We already covered a Mine entrance earlier in our guide. However, this one (by Disruptive Builds) is a large-scale project. You can convert your whole mine entrance into a fort. Other than the looks, this will also help you create a workstation within the area to make mining much easier. For example, you could add loads of chests that hold tools like pickaxes and shovels. On the other hand, you can also place chests to dump your mining resources into.
72. Underwater Base

Required Materials:
- Smooth Quartz block, slab, stairs.
- Glass.
- Oak planks.
- Polished Blackstone Brick stairs.
- Gray Concrete.
- Prismarine Stairs.
Earlier we mentioned a Minecraft building idea of an Underwater house. How about we amp that up a little now and help you out in creating an Underwater base instead? Yes, you heard that right! As shown by IrieGenie, you can also go for a whole underwater base that can hold all your needs. However, we will give you a fair warning that the underwater base build is extremely hard to pull off, especially without some good armor enchantments such as Aqua Affinity and Depth Strider.
Nevertheless, that build’s exterior looks a lot like a base right out of Subnautica. The project can take a few real-life days until it gets completed. The underwater base is made out of almost 2,000+ Smooth Quartz Block. Additionally, you will also need a bunch of Glass blocks so that you can get a good view of the underwater world from within your base.
Before you begin the project we recommend that you get a good stock of Water Breathing and Night Vision potions.
73. Floating Japanese Base

Required Materials:
- Oak planks, slab, stairs.
- Spruce stairs.
- Acacia log, planks, slab.
- Dark oak planks, stripped log, slab, stairs.
- Polished blackstone bricks, slab, stairs.
- Smooth Sandstone.
You can never go wrong with Japanese architecture in Minecraft. When players pull these build ideas off they fall second to none. Hence, we have lined up this beautiful Floating Japanese House design by Hakdow for you guys. The base is also well suited for Survival mode. Since the build will be on top of the water you can feel a lot safer since it will be harder for the mobs to get close.
The Japanese base holds multiple buildings which are connected by a clean-looking path. The whole base is covered with a fence illuminated by lanterns. Players can even build a small garden or a farming spot inside the base to make survival mode even more trouble-free. One of the most essential parts of the build has to be the use of Acacia blocks. Hence, make sure you have access to a Savanna biome.
74. Japanese Store

Required Materials:
- Stripped Oak wood.
- Stripped Dark Oak wood.
- Oak planks, stairs, slabs.
- Blackstone slabs and wall.
- Campfires, Banners, and Lanterns.
While we’re on the Japanese architecture train, here is another build idea that you can try in your Minecraft world. Before we begin, we would like to point out that this idea was created by an actual architect from Japan who gove by the name of “Freedom” on YouTube. With that said, let’s dive a little deeper into the Japanse Store build.
The skeleton of the Japanese Store is made by using Stripped Oak wood. As for the roof, you will need to use the Blackstone slabs. The Japanese store requires a lot of decorative blocks for its exterior. So make sure to use banners, chains, lanterns, and campfires. Last but not least, the interior needs to be full of color. Place multiple wool blocks along with tinted glass. As a final touch, you can also add a few villagers inside to bring the Japanese Store to life!
75. Cyberpunk Shop

Required Materials:
- Polished Basalt.
- Deepslate Bricks, stairs.
- Grey Concrete.
- Crimson Planks.
Next up on our list of the Best build ideas in Minecraft, we have a shop inspired by the art design of Cyberpunk 2077. If you’re free to build anything then why not go for a crossover that no one ever expected? Despite the problems with Cyberpunk, no one can deny that it had awe-inspiring buildings and shops in its world. Here is a quick video tutorial on how you can build it in Minecraft.
As it happens, you can build a tiny shop in Minecraft that compliments the Cyberpunk art style. Its dimensions are quite small and the interior will feel very packed. However, it can still be used as a storage building or you could even set up a Butcher Villagers inside it. Nevertheless, the aesthetic shop can be built by using Polished Basalt, Deepslate Bricks, and Crimson Planks.
As for the decorative side, you can opt to use blocks like iron bars, trapdoors, campfires, banners, lanterns, and fences.
76. Beacon Tower

Required Materials:
- Beacon.
- Polished Blackstone Bricks, Stairs, walls.
- Iron/Gold/Emerald/Diamond Blocks.
- Tinted Glass.
The beacon is one of the most useful items that players can get in Minecraft. However, it is also one of the hardest things to get. Once you do manage to create a Beacon, be sure to put it to good use and build a nice tower to complement it. You can do that by following this build idea by Mechitect.
Beacons provide enhancements to the player inside a certain radius. In addition to that, they also emit a prominent beam upwards which can be seen from far away. So in a nutshell they help you to spot your base from far away and also provide status effects whenever you are close to their location. With that said, let us now roll on with the simple build idea which uses one of the rarest items in Minecraft.
First of all make a worthy base for your beacon (by using either iron, gold, emerald, or diamond blocks). After that place the Beacon on top of it and then start building the tower by using Polished Blackstone bricks. The look of the tower and the beam can be further enhanced by the use of tinted Glass blocks.
77. Simple Dock

Required Materials:
- Dark Oak Logs, slabs, stairs, trap doors, fences, gates, and signs.
- Stripped Spruce Wood.
- Stone brick slabs and walls.
Unlike some of the other build ideas in our guide, a dock is always deemed as an essential structure in Minecraft. Even though this may not apply to all bases but most players will find an ocean nearby. To explore the lands beyond the ocean you will need a good point from where you can sail off on your boat.
Therefore, you can use an easy build tutorial by disruptive builds to help you conjure up a small dock in your world. The Dock will add a little more elegance to your Minecraft world and on top of that, your travels across the ocean will become a lot easier thanks to the accessible features found within the dock. Most of the dock is made out of Dark Oak blocks. If you want a brighter look then you could also go for Oak or Birch.
78. Medieval Dock

Required Materials:
- Stripped Spruce Logs.
- Spruce planks, fence.
- Stone.
- Smooth Stone Slab.
- Cobblestone, stairs, wall.
- Dirt
- Colored wool blocks.
You could always go a step further with every build in Minecraft, so why not do the same with a Dock build? If you’re looking for something more grandeur you can opt to go with this dock idea. The Medieval Dock build is also a great idea if your whole base is right next to a coast.
The base of the Medieval Dock is made out of Smooth Stone Slab and Spruce Slabs. Along with the dock, you can also create a few buildings right on the coast, to complete a full Medieval Coastal town. Hence, if your Minecraft house is right next to the coast then this idea is a must-try for you!
79. Trading Hall

Required Materials:
- Spruce Log, slabs, stairs, trapdoor, fence gate.
- Stripped Spruce wood.
- Stone, stone stairs, and slabs.
Trading is an essential part of Minecraft survival mode. It can help you acquire all kinds of stuff which may not be available that easily for you in the open world. Even though players were skeptical about trading at first, now it’s one of the main elements of the game.
There will come a point during your playthrough when you need to set up a proper villager trading hall in your base. A simple hut with a bunch of villagers inside can kill the whole look of your base. Therefore, get ready to implement this simple yet amazing-looking design by Disruptive Builds. Not only will the trading hall amp up your base but it will also make trading a lot more organized and convenient.
To construct the Trading hall you will need some basic materials such as Spruce slabs and Spruce stripped wood. Apart from that the Trading Hall is capable of holding more than a dozen villagers inside it. They will be kept inside a small compartment next to their job blocks. You can easily walk into the hall and reach your desired villager (which you can highlight by adding item frames) and initiate the trading sequence.
80. Compact Survival Base

Required Materials:
- Cobblestone.
- Oak logs.
- Stone bricks slabs, stairs.
- Oak planks, stairs, fence, gate, trapdoors.
Next up we have another Survival-based project idea for our Minecraft builders. While playing the survival mode, every player tries to fit in all sorts of features within their house/base for their own convenience. However, without a proper plan, your base will become overcrowded and misaligned in no time.
That is why it’s best to go for a well-thought-out Complete Survival Base that uses minimal blocks and fulfills almost every necessity a solo survival player needs. The full base (designed by HellFrozen) can be made within a 20×10 block area. Most of the exterior of the base is made out of Cobble stone and Oak logs.
When it comes to the efficiency of the base, you can easily set up a storage room, farm field, animal pen, and a bunch of empty 5×5 block rooms which can serve as anything from a bedroom to an enchantment room.
81. Dragon Statue

Required Materials:
- Stone, slabs, stairs.
- Cobblestone slabs, stairs.
- Mossy Cobblestone.
- Vines, leaves.
Once you’ve set up everything that is needed in your world, you can always sway your attention toward decorative builds. There are loads of different decorative builds you can try out in Minecraft. For instance, the famous Dragon Statue by thebigbaron. Despite being a tough build, it surely is a sight to behold. It will be even better if you manage to pull off the build in an online server.
The good thing about the Dragon Statue is that you only need Stone and Cobblestone. You can also mix in a few Mossy Cobblestones to amp up the whole look of the statue. Apart from that, the only thing that you need to look out for is fall damage (if you’re playing survival mode). Since the statue is well above 30 blocks in height, you could easily die if you fall. Hence, make sure you do have a water bucket in hand, or try using scaffolds for the build.
The Dragon Statue creates a stunning visual in the game, not only does it reeks of terror on the lands but it is also a great landmark that you can spot even from far away!
82. Skull Nether Portal

Required Materials:
- Calcite.
- Smooth Quartz Block, stairs, slab.
- Diorite, wall, staits.
- Black wool.
- Cobbled Deepslate, stairs, wall.
Your entrance to the Nether should not be basic at all. If you’ve improved the look of your whole base then there is no reason to pull back when it comes to the Nether Portal. Nothing seems more cool than a Dragon’s skull, and once you combine it with a sword (we mentioned earlier) you get an amazing Portal design.
Hence, we have brought this particular Nether Portal design by Goldrobin, that you can implement in your Minecraft world. The build uses materials like Quarts, Calcite, and Cobbled Deepslate, which means you will need to put some considerable time into resource collection.
Nevertheless, the design itself is outstanding not only does it make the entrance to your Nether worthy but it will also add even more flair to the creative side of your world.
83. Frog Fountain

Required Materials:
- Blackstone blocks, stairs.
- Stone blocks, stairs.
- Dispenser.
- Redstone torch.
- Water Bucket.
The Frog Fountain might be one of the easiest builds in our Minecraft building ideas guide. Despite being a small and simple build, it can easily improve the look of your pond or pool. You can even place the fountain at a random lake as a landmark. Nevertheless, let’s go through the materials you need for the Frog Fountain.
The base of the aesthetic fountain can be made out of Blackstone Blocks (or any other block of your choice). As for the frog fountain you will need to use Stone. Since the Frog fountain is automatic players will also need to apply a redstone mechanism so that the water keeps flowing through the fountain.
You will need to place a redstone torch inside the foundation and then place a Dispenser on top of it with a water bucket inside. You can follow BitGardener’s video for a step-by-step guide.
84. Hobbit House

Required Materials:
- Oak Planks, stairs, slabs, trapdoors.
- Lanterns.
- Dark Oak stripped log.
- Dark Oak planks, stairs, slabs,
- Sand and Sandstone.
The great thing about Minecraft is that you can almost try every kind of build, even if it’s from a whole other franchise. Since there are millions of Lord of the Rings fans around the world, we found it worthy enough to include the Hobbit House build in our list. Basic houses, castles, etc can get a bit boring after a while. So why not go for something cozy like a Hobbit Hole for a change?
The Hobbit House is considerably quite easy to build. It only requires a few basic materials. However, the decor bit might end up claiming a lot of your time. You would need a lot of lanterns and bookshelves to pull out the true look of the Hobbit Hole. Nevertheless, the structure and front of the house should be quite simple for even a beginner.
85. Medieval Tavern

Required Materials:
- Oak Logs.
- Spruce planks, stairs, slabs, trapdoors, fences, and fence gates.
- Stone Bricks, stairs, walls.
- Diorite blocks, slabs, walls.
- Deepslate tile blocks, stairs, slabs, walls.
Your Medieval Town in Minecraft will remain incomplete until you add a Tavern to it. Luckily, BigTonyMC shared a cool Tavern design that all survival players can try out in their world. Even if you don’t have a Mediaval-styled house or town, you can still construct the Tavern which can be used as a spot where all your online friends hang out.
First and foremost, you will need tons of wood to complete the project. Since it’s a medieval-style Tavern, the design uses a lot of Oak logs. To be precise you will need about 8 stacks of Oak logs in addition to multiple plank blocks of Spruce. Another key component that you need to pay attention to is the Chimney of the Tavern. You will need to make use of multiple campfires to create the smoke effect in your tavern.
As for the interior, try relying on wooden based blocks. You can even amp up the realism by stationing a villager at the bar counter.
86. Large Base

Required Materials:
- Spruce Logs.
- Spruce Stripped logs, planks, stairs, signs.
- Dark Oak fences, doors, trapdoors.
- Oak trapdoors.
- Lanterns.
- Glass panes.
As you progress through your Minecraft world, you will need the feel for a larger base. At that point, make sure you consider the particular Large Base build design by EWEN Minecraft. It has all sorts of functions and has a cool epic look to it. On top of that, if you have shaders turned on in Minecraft, this base will look beautiful at night in the middle of a forest.
Of course, bases require a lot of physical work. You will be required to yield a bunch of resources and put in multiple hours in the game. It’s best if you construct this base with your friends on an online server. Nevertheless, the base holds all kinds of stuff, it has small ponds, bamboo and sugarcane farm, hot baths, bedrooms, forge rooms, enchantment rooms, and so much more.
The Large Survival base is made purely out of wood, hence, its best suited to build near or inside a dense forest. Our preference would be to go for a darker shade of wood like Dark Oak or Spruce wood. However, you can also go for Oak if you feel like it.
87. Cottage

Required Materials:
- Oak Logs, planks, stairs, slabs, trapdoors, fence.
- White concrete.
- Spruce trapdoors.
- Birch fence.
If you’re planning to build your house inside a forest biome, then it’s worth going for a Cottage build. Croissant Cat’s cottage design on YouTube is one of the most famous ones, even though she uses a resource pack you can still go for it in the default game as well. Cottages are capable of giving that cozy homely vibes, especially in places deep inside the forests of Minecraft.
For the Cottage build, you will need tons of different blocks. Most of these are derived from wooden blocks, which include items like Oak logs, planks, stairs, and slabs. Other than that you will also need to make use of White Concrete or Terracota to get that right blend for the exterior. As for the interior, try adding as many things as you can to enhance the cozy element of the cottage. You can also install a chimney with a campfire in it.
88. Eerie Nether Base

Required Materials:
- Polished Blackstone Bricks, stairs, slabs.
- Polished Basalt
- Chiseled Polished Blackstone.
- Chiseled Quartz Block.
- Polished Diorite.
- Warped Stem.
- Warped planks, slabs, fence, trapdoor.
In Minecraft, the Nether is a treacherous land. It is nothing like the overworld, mobs spawn everywhere and you need to be on the lookout during your whole trip. On top of that, the Ghasts are always lurking up above ready to shower fireballs on you. With so much going on, it is essential to have a well-fortified Nether Base in Minecraft.
A Nether Base will allow you a much-needed break in the underworld. It isn’t always convenient to head back to the overworld every time a mishap happens. Hence, at the Nether base you can relax, prepare, and take your time before heading out again. The build is quite dark and eerie which perfectly suits the environment of the Nether. You can add all sorts of features inside it including an enchantment room and a Nether Wart farm. Although, it is recommended to not add a bedroom for obvious reasons.
89. Acacia House

Required Materials:
- Acacia Logs.
- Acacia planks, stairs, fence, trapdoors, buttons, slabs.
- Andesite blocks, wall.
- Lanterns.
- Campfire.
Acacia trees are not that common in Minecraft, however, if you happen to have a Savanna biome close by then chances are that you’ll have a good supply of these orange-shaded trees. With them, you can craft a unique house in Minecraft. As we already know, Oak and Spruce’s woods are used more frequently in builds. Hence, it’s always nice to have a change and go for a build made out of Acacia logs and planks.
The Acacia House design is quite simple and unique. It can be implemented by survival players during the early stages of their world. Since it is based on Acacia wood, you’ll need a healthy amount of logs, planks, and stairs. trapdoors, etc.
The interior of the house is pretty simple as well. The ground floor holds a workshop, where you can add stuff like Anvil, a crafting table, an enchantment table, and a bunch of chests or barrels. On the upper floor, you can set up your bedroom along with your chests and a few decoration blocks.
90. Jungle Base

Required Materials:
- Jungle Logs, planks, slabs, stairs, trapdoors, fence.
- Stripped Jungle Logs.
- Spruce planks, slabs.
- Cobblestone slabs, wall.
The jungle is one of the densest biomes in Minecraft. The trees here are extremely large and you can easily lose your track if you stray too long. However, despite its unwelcoming features, there is still a great comfort player feel while inside the Jungle. If you’re one of those bases then why not go for an Ultimate Jungle Base?
So here is a Jungle Base Minecraft building idea. Before we begin, we would like to point out that the Jungle Base (designed by Reimiho) is an extensive and time-consuming build. Therefore, it is advised that you construct the base with the help of your friends on an online server. Nevertheless, let us now talk about some details of this Jungle Base.
The Ultimate Jungle Base follows a style of floating tree houses. Because of that, you can easily survey the surrounding areas. The base holds almost everything that a player requires in Minecraft’s survival mode. It has watch towers, farms, workstations, bedrooms, and a portal. Each of these rooms or stations is connected by a bridge.
91. Jungle Treehouse

Required Materials:
- Jungle logs, planks, stairs, slabs, trapdoors, fences, and gates.
- Leaves.
If the previous Jungle Base build was a little too much for you then you can go for something on a smaller scale. Such as this particular Jungle Treehouse design made by Mr Mirror. The Jungle Treehouse is a compact build suited for a single player. Although, since it is compact the design can become a little small after a while. Therefore we would advise you to treat it as your secondary base.
Nevertheless, for the build players will first need to find a large-sized Jungle Tree. After you have located a suitable tree, carve out 5 blocks (in length) at your desired height. Now all you need is a bunch of Jungle logs, planks, slabs, stairs, and fences. As for the access, you can either use vines to climb up to the treehouse or you could also install a ladder.
92. Underwater Cave House

Required Materials:
- Smooth Quarts Block, stairs.
- Spruce planks,
- Stripped Spruce logs.
- Light Grey Concrete.
It is always an intriguing thought to construct an underwater base. Despite the tough conditions of the build, underwater houses are a lot safer than the ones on land. They are safe from creeper explosions. Apart from that, you also get to feel the calm of fish and dolphins swimming by. If you happen to have a coral reef near the location then the view will be even better!
Nevertheless, Underwater houses can be quite challenging to build. However, since this is an underwater mountain house it feels a little less challenging. Despite that, it’s best to have the Potion of Water Breathing or enchantments like Respiration. Additionally, you should also get the Aqua Affinity enchantment since it will allow you to mine faster underwater. After you have acquired these things, the build itself should be a lot easier to carry out.
The actual house is built inside a mountain/cave wall that is submerged in the water. Therefore, technically your house will be underground but it will be facing the sea.
93. Bubble Elevator

Required Materials:
- Solid blocks (any block).
- Water bucket.
- Kelp.
- Soul Sand (Up).
- Magma Block (Down)
Elevators were one of the most amazing builds in Minecraft a few years ago. People used tons of redstone mechanics and built elevators using slime blocks and sticky pistons. However, these were a little too tough to make plus they weren’t fast enough. So as time went by players then came up with a more convenient water elevator.
The water or the Bubble Elevator is extremely simple to make. On top of that, you can easily go up or down through the elevator within a matter of seconds. All you need is a solid block in a 3×3 pattern with the middle block position being hollow. Fill the hollow column with water and then plant kelp inside it. You can then break the kelp and replace the base block with either Soul Sand (used to go up) or Magma block (used to go down).
The Bubble elevator can be used anywhere. You can apply it to your tall tower, or you can even install it next to a mountain.
94. Mountain Tunnel

Required Materials:
- Deepslate bricks, stairs, and walls.
- Spruce logs, planks, stairs
- Lanterns.
Since the Caves and Cliffs update the mountains in Minecraft are a lot more common and larger. Even though they enhance the game’s environment by a lot but with time it gets a little tedious to trek over them. Mountains can be even more troublesome when your base is situated within a cliffs area. Hence, a great way to tackle that is to make an actual tunnel that cuts through a mountain which will ultimately make your life simpler.
Mountain Tunnels can be installed in those areas where you frequently visit. For example, if your base and a nearby village have a mountain in between, you can then easily use this build to make your travels easier. The tunnel design was shared by WaxFraud. However, you do not need to follow the same dimensions, you can carry out the build at a smaller scale too.
It is to be noted that this build will require you to do a lot of mining. Since you will need to carve through the heat of the mountain it is best to have a high-tier pickaxe and shovel at hand. The design of the tunnel itself shouldn’t be that tough to pull out. The resources will vary according to the size of the tunnel. Players can also add a rail track to make their tunnel path faster.
95. Slope House

Required Materials:
- Stripped Oak Logs.
- Oak planks, trapdoors, stairs.
- Glass blocks.
- Quartz stairs, slabs.
We mentioned tons of land houses as well as a few underwater houses. Now it’s time that we introduce you to a house design in Minecraft that is half on land and half on water. This modern-styled unique build was shared by ManDooMiN. It’s a simple sloped house with a full glass wall at its front.
The upper side of the glass is above water level whereas the lower half is submerged inside the water. If you happen to have any shaders on, then the Sloped Underwater House will look absolutely stunning. First, you will need to find a suitable spot and create a slope using Quartz Stairs as a border and then fill the rest of the slope with glass blocks. The entrance to the house can be built on either side of the slope, you can use any door that you prefer. After that, the interior design is completely up to you.
96. Swamp House

Required Materials:
- Spruce Logs, planks, stairs, slabs, trapdoor, buttons.
- Stripped Oak Logs.
- Dark Oak stairs, slabs, fences.
Since there are so many biomes in Minecraft, it’s always beneficial to have an idea of which house would suit best in a biome. Even though the Swamp biome isn’t loved as much as the other, you can still plan to build a nice little shelter house here. The Swamp House will be built on a foundation above the swampy water, and the exit of the house can be turned into a dock.
Fortunately, the Swamp house is extremely easy to make. Hence, you can build it as your second house or as a traveling station. Most of the structure of the house is constructed by using Spruce blocks. As for the interior, you can go with anything that you like. Although, since the house is quite compact we advise you to not fill it with too much stuff.
Last but not least, try using lanterns instead of torches to elevate the ambiance.
97. Cherry Blossom Treehouse

Required Materials:
- Cherry Logs.
- Cherry planks, slabs, stairs, fence.
- Stripped Cherry Logs
- Crimson slabs, stairs.
- Nether Bricks slabs.
Mojang recently released the Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot version, The latest version has added an all-new biome called the Cherry Groves. Now that players will be able to access the biome soon enough, it is worth preparing yourself with a nice house build as well. Luckily LeonSBU was kind enough to share his unique Cherry Blossom Treehouse design.
The house is extremely easy to make, especially if you manage to find a Cherry Grove biome. In the new biome, collect as many Cherry Logs as you can. Because most of the building uses the new Cherry planks, stairs, and fence. Other than that you can also add
98. Mining Camp

Required Materials:
- Stripped Spruce logs.
- Spruce planks, fence, fence gates, trapdoors, slabs.
- Stone bricks, stairs
- Cobblestone blocks, walls.
- Rails and Minecart.
In our guide, we included a bunch of builds that revolved around Mining. Every player knows how important mining is in the game. Without mining you won’t be able to get far in the game let alone beat bosses like the Ender Dragon, Wither, or the Warden. Hence, if you manage to find a good mining spot then make sure you turn it into a convenient station that will make mining easier and also enhance the look of your Minecraft world.
The Mining Camp shown above was designed by Reimiho and it is surely worth checking out. It helps yield the full ambiance around a mining camp. Not only that, but the camp will also help you mine more efficiently. You can also lay down rail tracks and use minecarts in your mine. Apart from that the build also has a crane design, which makes the whole thing look cool.
99. Brewing Station

Required Materials:
- Stripped Spruce Logs.
- Spruce planks, stairs, slabs, and trapdoors.
- Stone slabs, stairs, wall.
- Lanterns.
- Brewing Stand.
At first, players may think that potion brewing is an unnecessary activity in Minecraft. However, if you truly wish to beat the game or get an advantage over your friends in online servers, you’ll understand how overpowered some of the potions are. Using potions players can enhance their abilities, cure zombies, gain night vision in full darkness, and whatnot. Hence, it is essential to have a fully dedicated Brewing Station in your Minecraft Base.
Luckily, we have decided to share a simple yet effective Brewing Station (designed by Reimiho) where you can grow relevant crops and make potions. The build itself is quite easy to make since it uses Spruce Logs, planks, slabs, and some Stone Brick slabs and stairs. Apart from these make sure to make a few dedicated farms for Nether Warts, carrots, and watermelon around the station. Finally, you will also need an infinite source of water and a few stack of glass bottles.
100. Maze

Required Materials:
- Shovels.
- Torches.
- Any solid block.
Minecraft shouldn’t just be about mining, building, and hunting. You can always add an element of fun to the game by letting your creativity run free. A Maze is something that is enjoyed by Minecraft players for years now and the best thing about it is it’s extremely easy to build. This particular build is more suited for players who play with their friends or other players online.
To build a Maze you do not need a lot of blocks, All you need is a bunch of shovels and pickaxes. Along with that make sure to craft tons of torches too. To begin the process first build a wall with the dimensions of 62×62 blocks. After that create an entry point and an exit point (by digging through the dirt) from one side to the other of the maze.
Once the main path has been set down, use your shovel to create more paths leading out from the main path. This way you will be able to create a full labyrinth effect. Make sure the patch is at least 2 blocks below the ground so that players won’t be able to see outside. You can also add a few final touches by adding tons of torches in the maze or even replacing the dirt block with a better-looking block (preferably leaves).
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Get Building Ideas In Minecraft?
You can go on sites like YouTube, Reddit, and even Twitter to find creators sharing new ideas about Minecraft structures.
Is It Difficult To Build Structures In Survival Mode?
Since you have to collect every material by yourself, I would say that building large structures in Survival Mode is difficult.
What Are Some Cool Minecraft Building Ideas?
I personally think that the Floating Island is a really cool idea for a base.
Can I Use Creative Mode With Friends In My Game?
Yes, Creative Mode is available for every player in the world.
And with that, we conclude our Minecraft Building Ideas guide. While you’re here, why not check out our How To Make A Composter In Minecraft guide.
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